
A bundle on top of Symfony's serializer. This supports annotations

0.1.0 2016-07-14 22:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 07:57:42 UTC


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Make the Symfony's serializer easy to use.


Via Composer

$ composer require happyr/serializer-bundle

Enable the bundle in your kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Happyr\SerializerBundle\HappyrSerializerBundle(),


use \Happyr\SerializerBundle\Annotation as Serializer;

 * @Serializer\ExclusionPolicy("all")
class Car
     * @Serializer\Expose
    private $size = 'Small';
     * @Serializer\Expose
     * @Serializer\Accessor({"getter":"getModel"})
    private $model = 'Volvo';

    private $color = 'Red';
    public function getModel()
        return 'This is model: '.$this->model;

class Owner
    private $name;

     * @Serializer\Type("Car")
    private $car;

     * @Serializer\ReadOnly
    private $birthday;

    public function __construct()
        $this->name = 'Tobias';
        $this->car = new Car(true);
        $this->birthday = new \DateTime('1989-04-30');

$json = $this->container->get('serializer')->serialize(new Owner(), 'json');
    "model":"This is model: Volvo"

Under the hood

This bundle provides a custom normalizer to Symfony's serializer component. This makes this serializer very flexible. If you want to serialize an object in a very custom way, add your own serializer as discibed in the Symfony documentation.


You need to provide one or more paths to where your source code is.

// app/config/config.yml
  source: ['%kernel.root_dir%/../src'] # default
  twig_extension: false # default

Adding metadata

Currently you may only configure the normalizer with Annotations. These annotations are very similar to JmsSerializer.


This annotation can be defined on a class to indicate the exclusion strategy that should be used for the class.

Policy Description
all all properties are excluded by default; only properties marked with @Expose will be serialized/unserialized
none no properties are excluded by default; all properties except those marked with @Exclude will be serialized/unserialized


This annotation can be defined on a property to indicate that the property should not be serialized/unserialized. Works only in combination with ExclusionPolicy = "NONE".


This annotation can be defined on a property to indicate that the property should be serialized/unserialized. Works only in combination with ExclusionPolicy = "ALL".


This annotation can be defined on a property to define the serialized name for a property. If this is not defined, the property will be translated from camel-case to a lower-cased underscored name, e.g. camelCase -> camel_case.


This annotation can be defined on a property to specifiy to if the property should be serialized when only serializing specific groups. If this is excluded the property/method will get group "Default".


This annotation can be defined on a property to specify which public method should be called to retrieve, or set the value of the given property. By default we access properties by reflection.

use \Happyr\SerializerBundle\Annotation as Serializer;

class User
    private $id;

     * @Serializer\Accessor(getter="getTrimmedName",setter="setName") 
    private $name;

    // ...
    public function getTrimmedName()
        return trim($this->name);

    public function setName($name)
        $this->name = $name;


This annotation can be defined on a property to indicate that the data of the property is read only and cannot be set during deserialization.

A property can be marked as non read only with @ReadOnly(false) annotation (useful when a class is marked as read only).