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0.4.1 2021-07-16 00:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-16 08:03:03 UTC


Let your editors write blog posts with Wordpress excellent backend but still deliver super quick responses, leverage Twig and integrate with your blog content with your Symfony application. As an extra bonus, this means that your WordPress application does not need to be exposed to the internet.

This is a small bundle that talks to the WordPress REST API. We make sure to cache each request so your blog do not get overwhelmed with requests.

WordPress configuration

Rewriting links

We need to rewrite absolute URLs from WordPress. To make things easier for us, please set your page and post url prefix to "page".


Invalidate cache

You should configure Symfony to be very aggressive when caching resources from WordPress. But when an editor makes an update you need to invalidate the cache and redownload the updated resource.

The Symfony bundle provides an endpoint to invalidate cache. You should use this endpoint when a post in updated and deleted.

(TODO add a small wordpress plugin for this in Resources/Wordpress)

Symfony installation

There are quite a few moving parts to set up this bundle. But they all make perfect sense. Lets take them one by one:

API endpoint

Where is your WordPress blog? You should define the endpoint to the build-in REST API. In the example below we assume you access your WordPress app with the following URL: http://demo.wp-api.org.

# /config/packages/happyr_wordpress.yaml
  url: 'http://demo.wp-api.org/wp-json'


The bundle comes with 2 default templates. One for an index page that list your latest posts and one template for a single post/page. You should of course replace these with something you like better. This could easily be done with some configuration:

# /config/packages/happyr_wordpress.yaml
  # ...
    index_template: index.html.twig
    page_template: page.html.twig


To enable the default controllers you need to include the provided routes.yaml.

# /config/routes.yaml
    resource: '@WordpressBundle/Resources/config/routes.yaml'
    prefix: '/p' # optional

You may of course use your own controllers. Just make sure that you define a route named happyr_wordpress_page.

# /config/packages/happyr_wordpress.yaml
    # ...
    controller: false
# /config/routes.yaml
# ...

    path: /wp/{slug}
    methods: 'GET'
    controller: App\Controller\MyWordpressController::show
        slug: '.+'


WordPress is a great tool but it is slower than your Symfony application. Make sure we cache all responses from Wordpress. We use Symfony\Contracts\Cache\CacheInterface for caching because it got stampede protection built-in.

# /config/packages/happyr_wordpress.yaml
  # ...
    service: 'App\Cache\SymfonyCache'
    ttl: 604800 # One week


When we fetch data from WordPress we need to parse it somehow. We need to make sure all links refer to the symfony application and not the WordPress application. We also need to handle the image references.

You may disable parses you do not want with configuration:

# /config/packages/happyr_wordpress.yaml
  # ...
    image: false
    link: false
    url: false

You may also add your own parsers by register a new service and tag it with happyr_wordpress.parser.page or happyr_wordpress.parser.menu.


We do not want any references to images to go to the WordPress application. We need to download the image and upload it somewhere good. Like AWS S3. You can configure the RewriteImageReferences parser with a custom uploader to achieve this. Make sure your uploader implements ImageUploaderInterface.

# /config/packages/happyr_wordpress.yaml
  # ...
      uploader: 'App\MyUploaderService'

The default uploader uploads images to a local folder. This is alright if there only is a few images and you have CloudFront or any other reverse proxy caches in front of your Symfony application.

 # /config/packages/happyr_wordpress.yaml
   # ...
     local_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/uploads'
     public_prefix: '/uploads'