
Manages multiple Monolog loggers

1.0.2 2021-01-27 03:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 12:31:17 UTC


Monolog Manager allows you to easily create and use multiple logging channels. The manager utilizes Monolog Factory for easy, configuration-based, creation of the Loggers.

You can optionally use a PSR-11 dependency injection container for Handler, Processor, and Formatter resolution within your logger configuration.


The preferred method of installation is via Composer. Run the following command to install the latest version of a package and add it to your project's composer.json:

composer require harbor/monolog-manager


Adding logging channels

use Monolog\Formatter\HtmlFormatter;
use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter;
use Monolog\Handler\NativeMailerHandler;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Monolog\Processor\PsrLogMessageProcessor;
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;

$manager = new Harbor\MonologManager\Manager();

// Setup the default logger
$manager->add('app', [
    'default' => true,
    'handlers' => [
        'name' => StreamHandler::class,
        'params' => [
            'stream' => 'path/to/your.log',
            'level' => LogLevel::WARNING,
        'formatter' => [
            'name' => LineFormatter::class,
            'params' => [
                'allowInlineLineBreaks' => false,
                'ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra' => true,
    'processors' => [
            'name' => PsrLogMessageProcessor::class,

// Add an additional logging channel
$manager->add('alert', [
    'handlers' => [
            'name' => NativeMailerHandler::class,
            'params' => [
                'to' => 'alerts@example.com',
                'subject' => 'Application Alert',
                'from' => 'noreply@example.com',
                'level' => Logger::ALERT,
            'formatter' => [
                'name' => HtmlFormatter::class,
    'processors' => [
            'name' => PsrLogMessageProcessor::class,

Logging to the default channel

The Manager implements the Psr\Log\LoggerInterface, and sends the log message to the default channel.

// These logs be sent to the `app` channel we configured above.
$manager->emergency('test emergency');
$manager->alert('test alert');
$manager->critical('test critical');
$manager->error('test error');
$manager->warning('test warning');
$manager->notice('test notice');
$manager->info('test info');
$manager->debug('test debug');
$manager->log(LogLevel::INFO, 'test log');

Additionally, you can call any method on the default channel's Mongolog\Logger instance:

$manager->getName(); // returns "app"

Logging to a specific channel

Using the channel(?string $name = null) method on Manager, you can get that channel's Mongolog\Logger instance:

/** @var \Mongolog\Logger */
$logger = $manager->channel('alert');
$logger->alert('Something important happened!');

Emergency Logger

By default, the Manager will return a default "emergency logger" if an error occurs while creating the Logger instance".

This is to prevent logging configuration/usage issues from stopping script execution.

The default emergency logger added via:

$manager->add(Manager::EMERGENCY_CHANNEL, [
    'handlers' => [
            'name' => \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler::class,
            'params' => [
                'stream' => 'php://stderr',
                'level' => \Psr\Log\LogLevel::DEBUG,

Supplying your own emergency logger:

Simply add a channel, using Manager::EMERGENCY_CHANNEL as the channel name.

Disabling the emergency logger


Using a Dependency Injection Container

To use a PSR-11 container to resolve dependencies:


use Harbor\MonologManager\Factory;
use Harbor\MonologManager\Manager;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;

/** @var ContainerInterface */
$container = getContainer();

// Create a new Factory, providing the container
$factory = new Factory($container);

// Provide your factory to the Manager
$manager = new Manager($factory);

Using the container in your channel config

The handlers, processors, and formatter are resolved using the following logic:

Note: The term callable refers to any value where is_callable($value) === true OR any class where method_exists($value, '__invoke')

  1. If value is an object of the correct type: $value = $value
  2. If value is a string, and $container->has($value): $value = $container->get($value)
  3. If value is a string, and is callable: $value = $value($container)
  4. If value is an array, and isset($value['formatter']): $value['formatter'] = $this->resolve($value['formatter'])

If the value cannot be resolved, an InvalidArgumentException is thrown (which gets sent to the emergency logger by default, see above)

Example of all possible values:

$manager->add('useless-logger', [
    'handlers' => [
        new NoopHandler(),
        static fn () => new NoopHandler(),
            'name' => ErrorLogHandler::class,
            'formatter' => LineFormatter::class,
            'name' => ErrorLogHandler::class,
            'formatter' => new LineFormatter(),
    'processors' => [
        new MemoryUsageProcessor(),


Released under MIT License