
A collection of Phing Tasks for a ZF2 app.

v2.1.3 2016-07-06 12:27 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 15:25:54 UTC


A collection of Phing Tasks for a ZF2 app.

Note: it will look for config/application.config.yml instead of config/application.config.php on bootstrap. If you use PHP config files, you'll have to change the code in each Task's main() method.



  "require": {
    "yalesov/zf2-phing-task": "2.*"

Phing is not bundled with this package.

You can install it through Composer and use the CLI at vendor/bin/phing:

  "require": {
    "phing/phing": "*"

or through PEAR and use the CLI at phing:

$ pear channel-discover pear.phing.info
$ pear install [--alldeps] phing/phing


You must initialize an instance of your Zf2 application through ZfTask before using any of the remaining Tasks.


Bootstrap the ZF2 application using the file foo/bootstrap.php. The bootstrap file must return an instance of Zend\Mvc\Application.

    <includepath classpath="vendor/yalesov/zf2-phing-task/src/task" />
    <taskdef name="zf" classname="ZfTask" />
    <zf bootstrap="foo/bootstrap.php" />


/* do some bootstrap */
$application = Zend\Mvc\Application::init(/* config array */);
return $application;


Generate entities for the EntityManager doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default, base directory at foo/src, with filter Foo\Entity.

    <includepath classpath="vendor/yalesov/zf2-phing-task/src/task" />
    <taskdef name="d-entity" classname="DoctrineEntityTask" />
    <d-entity em="doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default" filter="Foo\Entity" output="foo/src" />


Generate repositories for the EntityManager doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default, base directory at foo/src, with filter Foo\Entity.

    <includepath classpath="vendor/yalesov/zf2-phing-task/src/task" />
    <taskdef name="d-repo" classname="DoctrineRepoTask" />
    <d-repo em="doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default" filter="Foo\Entity" output="foo/src" />


Generate proxies for the EntityManager doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default, at directory foo/cache/proxy, with filter Foo\Entity.

    <includepath classpath="vendor/yalesov/zf2-phing-task/src/task" />
    <taskdef name="d-proxy" classname="DoctrineProxyTask" />
    <d-proxy em="doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default" filter="Foo\Entity" output="foo/cache/proxy" />


Update database schema for the EntityManager doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default.

    <includepath classpath="vendor/yalesov/zf2-phing-task/src/task" />
    <taskdef name="d-update" classname="DoctrineUpdateTask" />
    <d-update em="doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default" />


Drop all database tables from the connection of the EntityManager doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default.

This Task differs from Doctrine CLI's behavior. It drops ALL tables, not just those found in the metadata mapping files.

    <includepath classpath="vendor/yalesov/zf2-phing-task/src/task" />
    <taskdef name="d-drop" classname="DoctrineDropTask" />
    <d-drop em="doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default" />


Load the Twig template foo/bar.

    <includepath classpath="vendor/yalesov/zf2-phing-task/src/task" />
    <taskdef name="twig" classname="TwigTask" />
    <twig file="foo/bar" />