
Hector Connection

v1.0.0-beta7 2024-09-25 14:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-25 15:01:56 UTC


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Hector Connection is the PDO connection module of Hector ORM. Can be used independently of ORM.



You can install Hector Connection with Composer, it's the recommended installation.

$ composer require hectororm/connection


  • PHP ^8.0
  • PHP extensions:
    • PDO


Create a connection

The connection information must be pass to DSN format, with password inside.

To create a simple connection:

use Hector\Connection\Connection;

$connection = new Connection('mysql:host:...');

You can create a complex connection with read/write ways:

use Hector\Connection\Connection;

$connection = new Connection(dsn: 'mysql:host:...', readDsn: 'mysql:host:...');



Execute a statement and get the number of affected rows.

use Hector\Connection\Connection;

$connection = new Connection('mysql:host:...');
$nbAffectedRows = $connection->execute('UPDATE `table` SET `foo` = ? WHERE `id` = ?', ['bar', 1]);

The method execute queries on write DSN.


Three methods are available to fetch results. When multiple results, methods returns a Generator.

You can pass parameters for statement to the second argument of methods.

All fetch methods are done on read DSN.

Fetch one

Fetch one result from statement. NULL returned if no result.

use Hector\Connection\Connection;

$connection = new Connection('mysql:host:...');
$row = $connection->fetchOne('SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `id` = ?', [1]);
Fetch all

Fetch all result from statement.

use Hector\Connection\Connection;

$connection = new Connection('mysql:host:...');
$rows = $connection->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `column` = :bar', ['bar' => 'foo']);

foreach($rows as $row) {
    // ...
Fetch column

Fetch only one column of all result from statement.

use Hector\Connection\Connection;

$connection = new Connection('mysql:host:...');
$columns = $connection->fetchColumn('SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `column` = :bar', ['bar' => 'foo'], 2);

foreach($columns as $column) {
    // ...

Last insert ID

You can retrieve the last insert ID with method getLastInsertId().

use Hector\Connection\Connection;

$connection = new Connection('mysql:host:...');
$nbAffectedRows = $connection->execute('INSERT INTO `table` ...');
$lastInsertId = $connection->getLastInsertId();


Connection class has 4 methods to play with transactions:

  • Connection::beginTransaction(): void
  • Connection::commit(): void
  • Connection::rollBack(): void
  • Connection::inTransaction(): bool

If you begin a new transaction even though a transaction has already started, the new transaction will be ignored, and it needed to call even times the commit or rollBack methods.

Connection set

You can create a set of Connection objects with ConnectionSet class. It needed to name different connections, the default name is store in constant Connection::DEFAULT_NAME.

use Hector\Connection\Connection;
use Hector\Connection\ConnectionSet;

$connectionSet = new ConnectionSet();
$connectionSet->addConnection(new Connection('mysql:host:...'));
$connectionSet->addConnection(new Connection('mysql:host:...', name: 'foo'));

$connectionSet->hasConnection(); // TRUE
$connectionSet->hasConnection(Connection::DEFAULT_NAME); // TRUE
$connectionSet->hasConnection('foo'); // TRUE
$connectionSet->hasConnection('bar'); // FALSE

$connectionSet->getConnection(); // FIRST CONNECTION
$connectionSet->getConnection(Connection::DEFAULT_NAME); // FIRST CONNECTION
$connectionSet->getConnection('foo'); // SECOND CONNECTION
$connectionSet->getConnection('bar'); // THROW NotFoundException EXCEPTION


A logger is available to log queries.

use Hector\Connection\Connection;
use Hector\Connection\Log\LogEntry;
use Hector\Connection\Log\Logger;

$logger = new Logger();
$connection = new Connection('mysql:host:...', logger: $logger);

/** @var LogEntry[] $logEntries */
$logEntries = $logger->getLogs();