
This module contains enhancements for the contao frontend page <head> region.

Installs: 5 507

Dependents: 5

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 5

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 2


1.13.4 2024-02-13 12:36 UTC


This bundle enhances the handling of html <head> section tags. It provides services to update head tags dynamically from your code.


  • Provide a nice api to set head tags like meta, title, base, link
  • Provide additional json-ld schema data
  • Sets important meta tags like og:title, og:description, og:url and twitter:card out of the box
  • Allow setting open graph and twitter fallback image on root page
  • Allow setting twitter author per root page
  • Backport canonical url option from contao 4.13 for contao 4.9+
  • Backport json-ld support for contao 4.9+



  1. Install with composer

  2. Update your database

  3. Set following config variables (if you don't need the legacy implementation)

      use_contao_head: true
      use_contao_variables: true
  4. Optional: Set fallback image and twitter author in root page(s)

Add additional meta tags

In your root page, you can activate to add fallback image (og:image and twitter:image) and twitter username (twitter:site) meta tags to you web page.

Screenshot Meta Data Settings

Add additional schema.org data

In your root page, you can activate to add additional structured data to you web page. Following schema.org types are available:

  • @Organization
  • @WebSite
  • @WebPage
  • @BreadcrumbList

Screenshot Structured Data Settings

Set json-ld in your templates

This bundle backports the methods of contao 4.12+ to contao 4.9+. So usage is the same as in the contao core.

Twig templates

{% do add_schema_org({
    '@type': 'NewsArticle',
    'headline': newsHeadline|striptags,
    'datePublished': datetime|date('Y-m-d\TH:i:sP'),
}) %}

PHP templates

<?php $this->addSchemaOrg([
    '@type' => 'NewsArticle',
    'headline' => $newsHeadline,
    'datePublished' => $datetime->date('Y-m-d\TH:i:sP'),
]); ?>


Use head bundle api set in your code.

Set head content

To set base, title, meta and link tags, use the HtmlHeadTagManager service:

use HeimrichHannot\HeadBundle\HeadTag\BaseTag;
use HeimrichHannot\HeadBundle\HeadTag\MetaTag;
use HeimrichHannot\HeadBundle\HeadTag\TitleTag;
use HeimrichHannot\HeadBundle\HeadTag\Meta\CharsetMetaTag;
use HeimrichHannot\HeadBundle\HeadTag\Meta\HttpEquivMetaTag;
use HeimrichHannot\HeadBundle\HeadTag\Meta\PropertyMetaTag;
use HeimrichHannot\HeadBundle\Manager\HtmlHeadTagManager;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

class SomeEventListener
    private HtmlHeadTagManager $headTagManager;

    public function updateBaseTag(Request $request): void
        // Set base tag to null to remove it
        //Set base tag from object or url
        $this->headTagManager->setBaseTag(new BaseTag($request->getSchemeAndHttpHost()));
    public function updatedTitleTag(): void
        // Set title to "Hello World"
        $this->headTagManager->setTitleTag('Hello World');
        // Set title tag from object and adjust output format
        $this->headTagManager->setTitleTag(new TitleTag('Foo Bar', '%s | {{page::rootPageTitle}}'))
        // Will output: <title>Foo Bar | My Great Website Page Title</title>
    public function setMetaTags(): void
        // Add a new meta tag. If a tag with the same name already exists, it will be overridden
        $this->headTagManager->addMetaTag(new MetaTag('author', 'John Doe'));
        // Get an existing tag
        $description = ($tag = $this->headTagManager->getMetaTag('og:description')) ? $tag->getContent() : '';
        // Remove a tag
        // Create a tag for property meta tags
        $this->headTagManager->addMetaTag(new PropertyMetaTag('og:type', 'article'));
        // Create a http-equiv tag
        $this->headTagManager->addMetaTag(new HttpEquivMetaTag('refresh', '30'));
        // Set a charset tag
        $this->headTagManager->addMetaTag(new CharsetMetaTag('UTF-8'));
        // Create tags without class (usefull when creating tags in a loop without custom checks)
            $this->headTagManager->getHeadTagFactory()->createMetaTag('description', 'Lorem ipsum!')
            $this->headTagManager->getHeadTagFactory()->createTagByName('meta_og:url', 'https://example.org')
    public function setLinkTags(): void
        // Add a new link tag. If a tag with the same name already exists, it will be overridden
        $this->headTagManager->addLinkTag(new LinkTag('next', 'https://example.org?page=2'));
        // Get an existing tag
        // Remove a tag
        // Shorthand for canonical tag

Set json-ld schema data

From contao 4.12 you can use the JsonLdManager service from the core.

To set json-ld schema data, use the JsonLdManager service:

use HeimrichHannot\HeadBundle\Manager\JsonLdManager;

class ExampleController 
   private JsonLdManager      $jsonLdManager;

   public function __invoke() {
      $organisation = $this->jsonLdManager->getGraphForSchema(JsonLdManager::SCHEMA_ORG)->organization();
      $organisation->name('Example and Sons Ltd.');

Reader Config Contao sample


Legacy integration

Be sure, huh_head.use_contao_head and/or huh_head.use_contao_variables are not set to true.

Output $this->meta() in your fe_page template ()

<?php $this->block('meta'); ?>
    <?= $this->meta(); ?>
<?php $this->endblock(); ?>

Make sure, that you remove (are outputted by $this->meta() if huh_head.use_contao_head is not true):

<meta charset="<?= $this->charset ?>">
<title><?= $this->title ?></title>
<base href="<?php echo $this->base; ?>">
<meta name="robots" content="<?= $this->robots ?>">
<meta name="description" content="<?= $this->description ?>">

The meta function accepts currently one parameter that can contain service names (array) that should be skipped.


Backend field

Get tag options for a select field. If you want to define options by your own, prepend meta tag options with meta_.

use HeimrichHannot\HeadBundle\Helper\DcaHelper;

class HeadTagOptionsListener {
    private DcaHelper $dcaHelper;

    public function __invoke() {
        return $this->dcaHelper->getTagOptions([
            // filter: (array|null) If set, only tags fulfill given filters will be returned. See FILTER constants for available options. Default null
            'filter' => [DcaHelper::FILTER_META, DcaHelper::FILTER_TITLE],
            // skip_tags: (array) Skip specific tags. Default empty
            'skip_tag' => ['og:locale'],

Example how to evaluate field values:

use Contao\ContentModel;
use HeimrichHannot\HeadBundle\Manager\HtmlHeadTagManager;

class SomeEventListener {
    private HtmlHeadTagManager $headTagManager;
    public function __invoke(ContentModel $contentModel){
        $tag = $this->headTagManager->getHeadTagFactory()->createTagByName($contentModel->headTag);
        if ($tag) {
            $tag->setAttribute("content", $contentModel->headTagContent);

Config reference

# Default configuration for extension with alias: "huh_head"

    # Use the default head variables for title,base,robots and description instead of removing them from the page template.
    use_contao_head:      false

    # Use the default contao template variables for outputting head tags instead of the meta function.
    use_contao_variables: false