
A Heimrich & Hannot Contao project

1.9.1 2024-10-03 12:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-03 12:03:27 UTC


Deployer recipes used at Heimrich & Hannot GmbH.


To use our recipes, require this package with composer.

composer require --dev heimrichhannot/deployer-recipes

It is not required to install Deployer separately, but you may do so with the following command.

composer require --dev deployer/deployer

Usage with Contao 4.13+

Create a deploy.php file in your Contao project root directory and customize the following content according to your needs.

<?php # deploy.php

namespace Deployer;


import(__DIR__ . '/vendor/heimrichhannot/deployer-recipes/autoload.php');

set('rsync_src', __DIR__);

    ->set('public_url', 'https://www.example.org')
    ->set('http_user', 'www_data')
    ->set('public_dir', 'public')
    ->set('deploy_path', '/usr/www/users/{{remote_user}}/docroot')
    ->set('bin/php', 'php82')
    ->set('bin/composer', 'composer')
    ->set('release_name', fn() => date('y-m-d_H-i-s'))
    /** In case ACL is unavailable, use chmod instead */
    // ->set('writable_mode', 'chmod')
/** @example Add project-specific files */
add('project_files', [

/** @example Remove values from any variable */
remove('project_files', [

/** @example Add project-specific files to exclude from deploy */
add('exclude', [

/** @example Add a shared .htpasswd or any other file */
add('shared_files', [

/** @example Ask confirmation before running migrations */
set('ask_confirm_migrate', true);

/** @example Do not create backup on migration */
set('create_db_backup', false);

/** @example Reload PHP-FPM after deployment */
set('reload_php_fcgi', true);

/** @example Don't automatically deploy contao-manager */
set('contao_manager_deploy', false);

/** @example Disable confirmation input when going live */
set('confirm_prod', false);

/** @example Add yarn build task before deploying */
before('deploy', 'ddev:yp');

/** @example Deploy `files/themes`, which are shared and not updated by default */
after('deploy:shared', 'deploy:themes');

/** @example Create symlinks on deployment */
add('symlinks', [
    '{{public_dir}}/example' => '../relative/path/to/target',

Setup of multiple hosts or environments

You may set up multiple hosts or environments by using the host() function multiple times. If you do not specify selectors (like labels) when running your deployer commands, you will be asked to choose which hosts to run that command for.

If you want to set common variables for all hosts, use the provided proxy function broadcast(), to call any number of methods on all previously defined hosts.


Make sure to use labels to differentiate between environments when defining multiple hosts.

    ->set('public_url', 'https://stage.example.org')
    ->setLabels(['env' => 'stage'])

    ->set('public_url', 'https://www.example.org')
    ->setLabels(['env' => 'prod'])

    ->set('http_user', 'www_data')
    ->set('public_dir', 'public')
    ->set('deploy_path', '/usr/www/users/{{remote_user}}/docroot/{{alias}}')
    ->set('bin/php', 'php82')
    ->set('bin/composer', 'composer')
    ->set('release_name', fn() => date('y-m-d_H-i-s'))

Alternatively, you may iterate over all hosts:

foreach (getHosts() as $host) {
        ->set('http_user', 'www_data')
        ->set('public_dir', 'public')
        ->set('deploy_path', '/usr/www/users/{{remote_user}}/docroot/{{alias}}')
        ->set('bin/php', 'php82')
        ->set('bin/composer', 'composer')
        ->set('release_name', fn() => date('y-m-d_H-i-s'))

getHosts() is a shorthand for Deployer::get()->hosts.


This documentation might change in the future as there might be a better way to achieve this. Keep yourself posted.

The alias placeholder

Depending on your setup, you may want to automatically place different environments on the same host in respective directories. You can use the {{alias}} placeholder to differentiate between the hosts' aliases as environment names.

For example:

host('stage') // <- this is the alias
    ->set('deploy_path', '/usr/www/users/{{remote_user}}/docroot/{{alias}}')
; // will be evaluated to /usr/www/users/www_data/docroot/stage

Utility Commands

Clear the cache on the remote server

dep cache:clear

Clear opcache

dep opcache:clear

Deploy assets only (encore build folder)

dep deploy:assets

Database actions

You may alternatively use its alias dep db:clone for dep db:pull.

What to do when mysql or mysqldump is unavailable

You can change the pull and push commands to use the contao:backup commands instead of mysql and mysqldump:

set('db_dump_mode', 'contao');


This will only work if your local and remote databases are compatible.

Contao-Manager automated Deployment

Contao-Manager is set to deploy automatically by default. If you prefer to disable this automatic deployment, you can configure the following variable in your deployment script:

set('contao_manager_deploy', false);

Contao-Manager will download the latest version of the Contao-Manager phar file and deploy it to {{deploy_path}}/shared/{{public_dir}}/contao-manager.phar.php. After that, it will be symlinked to {{release_or_current_path}}/{{public_dir}}/contao-manager.phar.php.

If it already exists, it will perform a self-update.

Conditional Deployment

Automated deployment of Contao-Manager will not proceed if there is a file named contao-manager.phar.php present in your shared_files.

An example in which automated deployment is skipped:

add('shared_files', [

This way, if you don't want the remote host to automatically fetch Contao-Manager from the internet, you can set up your shared files accordingly and don't need to touch contao_manager_deploy.

Sourcing Contao-Manager from a different location

If you want to change the source URL of contao-manager.phar, e.g., if you host your own Contao-Manager mirror, you can set the following variable:

// this is the default value
set('contao_manager_source', 'https://download.contao.org/contao-manager/stable/contao-manager.phar');

Adding Symlinks

You can add symlinks to your deployment by using the symlinks configuration variable.

add('symlinks', [
    'path/to/link' => '../relative/path/to/target',
    '{{public_dir}}/example' => '../relative/path/to/another/target',

The link path is relative to the {{release_or_current_path}} directory.

To regenerate symlinks after deployment, you can use the following command:

dep deploy:symlinks

Work in Progress

These templates are still work in progress and not yet fully implemented. Use with caution or not at all.

/** WIP: Deploy an htaccess file which will be renamed to .htaccess */
set('htaccess_filename', '.htaccess.prod');
after('deploy:shared', 'deploy:htaccess');