
TYPO3 Flow package containing an event dispatching mechanism

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Installs: 39

Dependents: 1

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Stars: 1

Watchers: 5

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Open Issues: 0


v1.1.0 2014-09-30 22:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 04:47:51 UTC


A simple event dispatching library for TYPO3 Flow.


The package is available on Packagist. Use the following setup in your composer manifest:

    "require": {
        "helmich/flow-eventbroker": "*"


Publishing events

Events are regular methods that are tagged with an @Event\Event annotation:

namespace My\Example;

use Helmich\EventBroker\Annotations as Event;

class Emitter {
    public function doSomething() {
        // ...
        $this->publishSomeEvent(new SomeEvent("foo"));

     * @Event\Event
    protected function publishSomeEvent(SomeEvent $event) {


Subscribing to events

Listeners are also regular methods, that are tagged with an @Event\Listener annotation. The event class to listen for is specified as parameter within the annotation.

namespace My\Example;

use Helmich\EventBroker\Annotations as Event;

class Listener {
     * @Event\Listener("My\Example\SomeEvent")
    public function myListener(SomeEvent $event) {


Synchronous and asynchronous events

By defaults, listeners will be called asynchronously. In the default implementation, events will be queued and dispatched in an event loop at the end of the main application run (other, later implementations might do this completely asynchronously by dispatching events to another process).

You can explicitly declare listeners to be processed synchronously (when the event is published) by using the "sync" tag in the @Event\Listener annotation:

namespace My\Example;

use Helmich\EventBroker\Annotations as Event;

class Listener {

     * @Event\Listener("My\Example\SomeEvent", sync=TRUE)
    public function myListener(SomeEvent $event) { }


  • Add unit test coverage
  • Provide mechanisms for asynchronous event processing