
Simple Laravel Eloquent model state machines

v0.2.1 2025-02-27 22:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 01:27:58 UTC


Machinery is tiny state machine package for Laravel. It allows you to manage a state machine for an attribute on one of your Eloquent models using PHP enumerations.

Machinery gives your backed enumeration superpowers by allowing you to specify the valid transitions between states.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require hemp/machinery


First, create an enumeration that represents the states you wish to model and the valid transitions between them:

use Hemp\Machinery\MachineryState;
use Hemp\Machinery\MachineryEnumeration;

enum OrderStatus: string implements MachineryState
    use MachineryEnumeration;

    case Processing : 'processing';
    case Shipped : 'shipped';
    case Delivered : 'delivered';
    public static function transitions(): array
        return [
            self::Processing->value => [
            self::Shipped->value => [
            self::Delivered->value => [
                // This is the final state...

Now you can use the OrderStatus enumeration to manage transitions between states:

use Hemp\Machinery\Machinery;

OrderStatus::Processing->canTransitionTo(OrderStatus::Shipped); // true
OrderStatus::Processing->transitionTo(OrderStatus::Shipped); // state is now 'shipped'

OrderStatus::Shipped->canTransitionTo(OrderStatus::Delivered); // true
OrderStatus::Shipped->transitionTo(OrderStatus::Delivered); // state is now 'delivered'

OrderStatus::Delivered->canTransitionTo(OrderStatus::Processing); // 
OrderStatus::Delivered->transitionTo(OrderStatus::Processing); // Throws an exception...

Using the state machine with Eloquent

Next, add a column to your Eloquent model's casts to store the state:

use Hemp\Machinery\Machinery;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Order extends Model
    use Machinery;

    protected $casts = [
        'status' => OrderStatus::class

Now you can use the OrderStatus enumeration to manage the state of your Order model:

$order = Order::create([
    'status' => OrderStatus::Processing

$order->status->is(OrderStatus::Processing); // true
$order->status->canTransitionTo(OrderStatus::Shipped); // true

$order->status->transitionTo('status', OrderStatus::Shipped, function (Order $order) {
    // Perform any side effects that need to happen before
    // the state change is persisted to the database...
    $order->status_changed_at = now();

$order->status->is(OrderStatus::Shipped); // true

$order->status->canTransitionTo('status', OrderStatus::Processing); // false

$order->status->transitionTo('status', OrderStatus::Delivered); // Throws an exception...