
0.0.1 2024-08-25 17:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 18:43:36 UTC


Playground repository for evaluation purposes

This project is intended to showcase HEPTAconnect and to help you evaluate it for your use-case. You can learn more about HEPTAconnect in the documentation.


composer create-project heptaconnect/playground

Configure the document root directory (/public) to be hosted by a webserver under a dedicated hostname. If you are using macOS, we recommend Laravel Herd.

✅ That's it. The system installation is complete.


  • You can install additional portals or portal extensions via composer.
    • Run composer require niemand-online/heptaconnect-portal-amiibo.
    • Run bin/console heptaconnect:portal-node:add 'NiemandOnline\HeptaConnect\Portal\Amiibo\AmiiboPortal' amiibo
  • You can develop custom portals or portal extensions by adding them in the directory /src/Portal.
    • Create a new directory /src/Portal/HelloWorld.
    • Inside this new directory create a class HeptaConnect\Production\Portal\HelloWorld\HelloWorldPortal that extends Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Portal\Base\Portal\Contract\PortalContract.
    • Run bin/console cache:clear.
    • Run bin/console heptaconnect:portal-node:add 'HeptaConnect\Production\Portal\HelloWorld\HelloWorldPortal' hello-world.
    • Read more about portal development in the documentation.
  • You can create migrations to get reproducible database operations that run once per installation.
    • Run bin/console database:create-migration to generate a new migration file in /src/Integration/Migration.
    • The \HeptaConnect\Production\Integration\Component\Migration\MigrationHelper class provides convenience methods like addPortalNode, addRoute and activatePortalExtension.
    • You can use \Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Storage\Base\Bridge\Contract\StorageFacadeInterface via $migrationHelper->getStorageFacade(). This will grant you access to every storage action of the management storage.
    • You can use \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection via $migrationHelper->getConnection(). This will grant you direct access to the underlying database.
    • Run bin/console system:update:finish to apply all new migrations.
  • You can normalize your code-style using laravel/pint.


Your deployment strategy will influence the availability of your application and the amount of maintenance required during deployments. Since any good deployment strategy is tailored to your specific requirements and circumstances, there is no universal solution. So, instead of providing a complete deployment script, we provide a narrative of recommended steps.

  • It is recommended to use some kind of CI/CD pipeline for your deployments. Some of the best known providers are:
  • Run composer install --no-dev in your CI/CD pipeline.
    • Collect the files you want to deploy in an artifact.
  • Stop all running cronjobs and message consumers on your target server(s).
    • If you are using Supervisor, run supervisorctl stop all.
    • If you are using Cron, run crontab -r.
  • Copy your prepared artifact files to your target server(s).
  • Also remember to delete files on your target server(s) that have been removed or renamed since your last deployment.
    • If you are using rsync, use the option --delete.
    • ⚠️ Caution: Only apply deletions in the directories /src and /vendor! Other directories contain files that are custom for their environment and not part of your VCS.
  • Run bin/console cache:clear on your target server(s) to clear the cache.
  • Run bin/console system:update:finish on your target server(s) to apply database migrations.
  • Finally, start your cronjobs and message consumers again.