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Utility bundle for mockup creation and export

dev-master 2017-02-16 12:47 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 17:02:11 UTC


composer require hevinci/mockup-bundle dev-master


  1. Create a mockup directory in the Resource/views directory of your bundle. Alternatively, you can do the same in the app directory of your application:
  1. Create some mockups within this directory. Mockups are basically twig templates, which might take advantage of the provided library (see below) if needed.

  2. Use the mockup route with the path query parameter to render a particular mockup. For example, the url for rendering the template FooBarBundle::mockup/test.html.twig will be http://localhost/myproject/mockup?path=foobar/test.html. Note that:

    • the path must be prefixed by the name of the bundle in short, lower case notation
    • the mockup path segment must be omitted
    • the .twig extension must be omitted
  3. Use the hevinci:mockup:export command to produce a standalone version of your mockup(s). That command will generate a package containing static html files and all the required assets. Currently this command accept as argument either a bundle name (e.g. FooBarBundle) or a template reference (e.g. FooBarBundle::mockup/test.html.twig)


By default, the hevinci:mockup:export command export all the templates it finds and references them in an index.html file at the root of the generated package. If you want to export only a selection of mockups and/or if you want to sort the mockups in a particular order, you can place a map.yml in your mockup directory:


- mockup-y.html.twig
- mockup-x.html.twig
- baz/mockup-z.html.twig



Provides the basic structure of a claroline page, including the following blocks:

  • title
  • sidebar
  • breadcrumb
  • panelContent
    • panelTitle
    • panelRest
  • modal


Provides a tool layout. Dedicated variables are used to render automatically some parts of the page. For example, the template:

{% extends 'HeVinciMockupBundle::library/claroline/tool.html.twig' %}

{% set toolName = 'My tool' %}
{% set toolSection = 'Administration' %}
{% set toolPage = ['Users', 'Management'] %}

will be rendered as the Users / Management page of an administration tool called "My tool".

Complete list of available variables:

  • toolName: name of the tool
  • toolSection: platform section ("Administration", "Bureau" or "Espace d'activités")
  • toolIcon: short name of the font-awesome icon of the tool
  • toolPage: path of the current page of the tool (breadcrumb)
  • toolWorkspace: name of the workspace of the tool (workspace section only)


Provides a modal dialog skeleton with the following blocks:

  • title
  • body
  • footer

A slot for the modal is already present in the main layout template and all its children. You can include a modal with an embed tag:

{% extends "HevinciMockupBundle::library/claroline/tool.html.twig" %}

{% block modal %}
    {% embed "HeVinciMockupBundle::library/claroline/modal.html.twig" %}
        {% block title %}Titre de la modale...{% endblock %}
        {% block body %}
            <form action="#" method="POST">
        {% endblock %}
    {% endembed %}
{% endblock %}


Provides the layout of the resource manager with one block:

  • resources

This template is a child of tool.html.twig, so the variables associated with it (see above) can also be used:

{% extends 'HeVinciMockupBundle::library/claroline/resourceManager.html.twig' %}

{% set toolSection = 'Espaces d\activités' %}
{% set toolWorkspace = 'Mon espace' %}

{% block resources %}
{% endblock %}

The template includes a macro for thumbnail creation called resource. This macro accepts a hash of options:

  • name (name of the resource)
  • icon (path to the thumbnail asset)
  • customActions (list of additional actions in the resource menu)


{% extends 'HeVinciMockupBundle::library/claroline/resourceManager.html.twig' %}
{% import 'HeVinciMockupBundle::library/claroline/resourceManager.html.twig' as macros %}

{% block resources %}
            "name": "Nouvelle ressource",
            "icon": "bundles/foobar/images/res_new.png",
            "customActions": ["Partager", "Exporter"]
{% endblock %}


  • Allow to export a particular mockup directory
  • Extend the library