
Hello Symfony2 Doctrine MongoDB Bundle

dev-master / 1.0.1.x-dev 2015-07-23 08:13 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-01 20:29:38 UTC


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Just a simple example bundle using MongoDB Object Document Mapper (ODM) and the following Bundles:


Step 1: Using Composer


    php composer.phar require hgtan/mongo-odm-bundle:dev-master

Step 2 : Register the bundle

Then register the bundle with your kernel:


    // in AppKernel::registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Hgtan\Bundle\HelloDoctrineMongoDBBundle\HgtanHelloDoctrineMongoDBBundle(),
        // ...

Step 3 : Configure the bundle

    # app/config/config.yml

Step 4 : Test

    $ php app/console hgtan:user:create
    Please choose a username: ahoang
    Please choose an email: hoang@example.com
    Please choose a password: 
    Created user ahoang