
Bundle which integrates the hochstrasser/wirecard library

v1.1.0 2017-08-10 15:49 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 18:55:54 UTC



Install the package with Composer:

composer require 'hochstrasserio/wirecard-bundle:dev-master'

Add the bundle to your AppKernel:

// AppKernel.php
$bundles = [
    new Hochstrasser\WirecardBundle\HochstrasserWirecardBundle(),


Bundle Reference Configuration

    # Checkout language, required
    language: ~
    # Customer ID, required
    customer_id: ~
    # Secret, required
    secret: ~
    # Shop ID, optional
    shop_id: ~
    # Password for backend requests, optional
    backend_password: ~
    # User agent used for requests, change this to your app name
    user_agent: "Hochstrasser/Wirecard"
    # Version of DataStorage JS, possible values are null and "pci3"
    javascript_script_version: ~

Retrieving the Wirecard Context


$context = $this->get('hochstrasser_wirecard.context');

Using the WirecardController to handle confirm requests

This bundle includes an implementation of a controller to handle requests sent to the confirmUrl parameter supplied to payment requests.

The confirmUrl parameter sets a URL which is updated with a request from Wirecard with payment information and state.

Register the controller in your routing configuration to enable this feature:

    path: /wirecard/confirm
        _controller: hochstrasser_wirecard.wirecard_controller:confirmAction

Then pass the URL to the InitPaymentRequest:


$request->setConfirmUrl($this->generateUrl('wirecard_confirm'), [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);

The controller then checks the responseFingerprint. When the fingerprint is valid, it triggers the Hochstrasser\WirecardBundle\Event\ConfirmPaymentEvent in the app's event dispatcher.

Handle this event to implement your business logic, e.g. queuing an order confirmation email.

For example:


use Hochstrasser\WirecardBundle\Event\ConfirmPaymentEvent;

$listener = function (ConfirmPaymentEvent $event) {
    // Response parameters
    // See: https://guides.wirecard.at/response_parameters
    $data = $event->getData();

    if ($event->isPaymentState(ConfirmPaymentEvent::SUCCESS)) {
        // We got the payment, queue order confirmation email
    } else if ($event->isPaymentState(ConfirmPaymentEvent::FAILURE)) {
        // Notify the user that something went wrong with the payment, and order
        // is on hold

The ConfirmPaymentEvent contains also constants for the Wirecard payment response states:

  • SUCCESS: Payment was successful, e.g. send order confirmation
  • PENDING: Payment is still processing
  • CANCEL: Payment was cancelled by the customer
  • FAILURE: Payment failure, i.e. notify the user that the order could not be processed