
A Laravel plugin to broadcast events to EventBridge an consume it via sqs

1.3 2024-12-12 12:06 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-12 12:41:27 UTC


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The Pub

Similar to Pusher, this package provides Laravel Broadcasting driver for AWS EventBridge in order to publish server-side events.

We understand Broadcasting is usually used to "broadcast" your server-side Laravel Events over a WebSocket connection to your client-side JavaScript application. However, we believe this approach of leveraging broadcasting makes sense for a Pub/Sub architecture where an application would like to broadcast a server-side event to the outside world about something that just happened.

In this context, "channels" can be assimilated to "topics" when using the SNS driver and "event buses" when using the EventBridge driver.

The Sub

We simply have to listen to these messages pushed to an SQS queue and act upon them. The only difference here is that we don't use the default Laravel SQS driver as the messages pushed are not following Laravel's classic JSON payload for queued Jobs/Events pushed from a Laravel application. The messages from EventBridge are simpler.

For this purpose, we're using an architecture like this:

  1. "n" producers who publish events in EventBridge
  2. Each event is published in one or more SNS topic.
  3. Each one of these topics can be consumed by one or more SQS queues.
  4. Each one of these queues correspond to one app.


You can install the package on a Laravel 8+ application via composer:

composer require homedoctor-es/laravel-eventbridge-pubsub

Then, add HomedoctorEs\EventBridgePubSub\EventBridgePubSubServiceProvider::class to load the driver in config/app.php file in order to be able to use the package.

Once done this last step, you can publish the package and a config file called eventbridge-pubsub.php will be added to you config path

return [
    'messages_log_active' => false, //This param will allow you to log your messages
    'message_log_db_connection' => null, //This params indicate if you will store this logs in an existent MongoDB connection(if the table does not exists in the connection, there is a migration to create the table)
    'message_log_db_collection' => null, //The collection name
    'message_log_db_expiration_minutes' => 43200, // TTL to expires the documents created in the database, 30 days default
    'event_bridge_source' => null, // Mandatory field to indicates the name of the app which will consume and produce events

Publishing / Broadcasting


You will need to add the following connection and configure your AWS credentials in the config/broadcasting.php configuration file:

'connections' => [

    'eventbridge' => [ //The connection name will be used as default eventbus
        'driver' => 'eventbridge',
        'region' => env('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'),
        'key' => env('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
        'endpoint' => env('AWS_URL'),
        'secret' => env('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
        'source' => env('AWS_EVENTBRIDGE_SOURCE'),
    // ...

Make sure to define your environment variables accordingly:

# both drivers require:

# EventBridge driver only:
# This env var can be called as you prefer, but make sure that is the same that you will be set at "event_bridge_source" config property  

Next, if you want to use the eventbridge broadcast driver as your default driver when broadcasting in your .env file:


Remember that you can define the connection at the Event level if you ever need to be able to use two drivers concurrently.

use InteractsWithBroadcasting;

public function __construct()


Simply follow the default way of broadcasting Laravel events, explained in the official documentation.

In a similar way, you will have to make sure you're implementing the Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\ShouldBroadcast interface and define which channel you'd like to broadcast on.

use App\Models\Order;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\ShouldBroadcast;
use Illuminate\Broadcasting\InteractsWithBroadcasting;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;

class OrderShipped implements ShouldBroadcast
    use SerializesModels;

     * The order that was shipped.
     * @var \App\Models\Order
    public $order;

     * Create a new event instance.
     * @param  \App\Models\Order  $order
     * @return void
    public function __construct(Order $order)
        $this->order = $order;
        $this->broadcastVia('eventbridge'); // If is not the default broadcaster driver

     * Get the topics that model events should broadcast on.
     * @return array
    public function broadcastOn()
        return ['orders']; // This is the Event bus name

Broadcast Data

By default, the package will publish the default Laravel payload which is already used when broadcasting an Event. Once published, its JSON representation could look like this:

    "order": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Some Goods",
        "total": 123456,
        "created_at": "2021-06-29T13:21:36.000000Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-06-29T13:21:36.000000Z"
    "connection": null,
    "queue": null

Using the broadcastWith method, you will be able to define exactly what kind of payload gets published.

 * Get and format the data to broadcast.
 * @return array
public function broadcastWith()
    return [
        'action' => 'parcel_handled',
        'data' => [
            'order-id' => $this->order->id,
            'order-total' => $this->order->total,

Now, when the event is being triggered, it will behave like a standard Laravel event, which means other listeners can listen to it, as usual, but it will also broadcast to the Topic defined by the broadcastOn method using the payload defined by the broadcastWith method.

This package use a Value object called HomedoctorEs\EventBridgePubSub\Values\Message to simplify the publishing and messages consumptions. and will be used to trace your messages between applications

Before publishing a message, a new Message class will be instantiated and this class, will wrap your payload defining a messageId and a timestamp and introducing your payload data into a payload key.

Assuming the last 'broadcastAs' payload, you definitive message will be the next one:

    'message_id' => 'uuid',
    'timestamp' => 'ISO DATE',
    'payload' => [
            'action' => 'parcel_handled',
            'data' => [
                'order-id' => $this->order->id,
                'order-total' => $this->order->total,

Later we will explain how the addon use the message id to trace your messages.

Broadcast Name / Subject

In a Pub/Sub context, it can be handy to specify a Subject on each notification which broadcast to EventBridge. This can be an easy way to configure a Listeners for each specific kind of subject you can receive and process later on within queues.

Also, this Subject correspond to the rule name defined in EventBridge, so you have to think about it before use a broadcast alias.

By default, the package will use the standard Laravel broadcast name in order to define the Subject of the notification sent. Feel free to customize it as you wish.

 * The event's broadcast name/subject.
 * @return string
public function broadcastAs()
    return "orders.{$this->action}";

Model Broadcasting

If you're familiar with Model Broadcasting, you already know that Eloquent models dispatch several events during their lifecycle and broadcast them accordingly.

In the context of model broadcasting, only the following model events can be broadcasted:

  • created
  • updated
  • deleted
  • trashed if soft delete is enabled
  • restored if soft delete is enabled

In order to broadcast the model events, you need to use the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\BroadcastsEvents trait on your Model and follow the official documentation.

You can use broadcastOn(), broadcastWith() and broadcastAs() methods on your model in order to customize the Topic names, the payload and the Subject respectively.

Note: Model Broadcasting is only available from Laravel 8.x.

Sub / queue consumption


Make sure to define your environment variables accordingly:

# both drivers require:

Once the package is installed and similar to what you would do for a standard Laravel SQS queue, you will need to add the following connection and configure your credentials in the config/queue.php configuration file:

'connections' => [
    // ...
    'eventbridge-sqs' => [
        'driver' => 'eventbridge-sqs',
        'key' => env('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
        'secret' => env('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
        'endpoint' => env('AWS_URL'),
        'prefix' => env('EVENTBRIDGE_SQS_PREFIX', 'https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/your-account-id'),
        'queue' => env('EVENTBRIDGE_SQS_QUEUE', 'app1_queue'),
        'suffix' => env('EVENTBRIDGE_SQS_SUFFIX'),
        'region' => env('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION', 'us-east-1'),
    // ...

Once your queue is configured properly, you will need to be able to define which listeners you would like to use for which kind of incoming events. In order to do so, you'll need to create Laravel listeners and associate the events through a Service Provider the package can create for you.

Registering Events & Listeners

You'll need a Service Provider in order to define the mapping for each Subscribed event and its Listeners. You can use a separated one or you can add the $listen property in any provider you have.

The listen property contains an array of all events (keys) and their listeners (values). Unlike the standard Laravel EventServiceProvider, you can only define one Listeners per event, however you may add as many events to this array as your application requires.

Using the Broadcast Name

You can subscribe to an event by using its Broadcast name, for example, if you brroadas an event called orders.shipped:

use App\Listeners\PubSub\SendShipmentNotification;

 * The event handler mappings for subscribing to PubSub events.
 * @var array
protected $listen = [
    'orders.shipped' => [

You may do whatever you want from that generic OrdersListener, you could even dispatch more events internally within your application.

Defining Listeners

Here we are simply re-using standard Laravel event listeners. The only difference being the function definition of the main handle() method which differs slightly. Instead of expecting an instance of an Event class passed, we simply receive the payload and the subject, if it's found.

 * Handle the event.
 * @return void
public function handle(array $payload, string $subject = '')
    // ...

Feel free to queue these listeners, just like you would with a standard Laravel Listeners.

Note: you will still need to make sure the mapping within your desired provider is configured.

Tracing your messages

To trace your messages, the package give us a simple solution, use a common MongoDB collection to put your messages there. This collection, can be defined at your config file and there is a dynamic migration to check if the defined collection exists in your mongo specified collection, and expose to you the migration to create it.

So, after install the package and define your tracing DB connection params mek sure to execute the migrate command to ensure the collection existence.

Important: This connection must be shared between all participating applications in your ecosystem which produce and/or consume messages.

This tracking is done using Laravel events, there are two published events, EventBridgeMessagePublished and EventBridgeMessageConsumed. This method has 2 purposes, the first is to emit the tracking database events asynchronously by sending a common Laravel job and the second is to allow your application to subscribe to these events in case you want to do something additional.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.