
This plugin provides an easy way to add, remove and manage columns from WordPress administration screens for post, users and taxonomy listing.

v1.0.0 2016-06-27 10:07 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-20 11:13:03 UTC


This plugin provides an easy way to add, remove and manage columns from WordPress administration screens for post, users and taxonomy listing.


Modify pages list columns
Remove date and author columns from page listing screen, and add 2 extra columns (color and view count). The values for the extra columns are fetched from certain post meta fields.


Carbon_Admin_Columns_Manager::modify_columns('post', array('page') )
  ->remove( array('date', 'author') )
  ->add( array(
		Carbon_Admin_Column::create('Views Count')

Print column values with callback function
Add an extra column to page listing screen: views. Every page with more than 1000 views is rendered with a special CSS class popular-page.

This is achieved by using a custom callback function for printing the content of the column for the particular post_id.


Carbon_Admin_Columns_Manager::modify_columns('post', array('page') )
  ->add( array(
		Carbon_Admin_Column::create('Views Count')

function crb_admin_render_view_count_col( $post_id ) {
	$views_count = get_post_meta($post_id, 'views_count', 1);
	$views_count = intval($views_count);
	if ($views_count > 1000) {
		$views_count = '<span class="popular-page">' . $views_count . '</span>';
	return $views_count;

Modify custom post type columns
Remove date and author columns from the crb_cars custom post type listing screen, and add 2 extra columns (model and price). The values for the extra columns are fetched from certain post meta fields.


Carbon_Admin_Columns_Manager::modify_columns('post', array('crb_cars') )
  ->remove( array('date', 'author') )
  ->add( array(

Render featured image in the listing table

To show the featured image for the post, page and crb_cars post types, use a custom callback function that accepts the $post_id as a parameter.


Carbon_Admin_Columns_Manager::modify_columns('post', array('page', 'post', 'crb_cars') )
  ->add( array(

function crb_column_render_post_thumbnail( $post_id ) {
	if ( has_post_thumbnail( $post_id ) ) {
		$thumbnail = get_the_post_thumbnail( $post_id, 'my_backend_image_size' );
	} else {
		$thumbnail = '';
	return $thumbnail;

Modify taxonomy columns

Remove slug and count columns from categories and tags listing screens, and add 2 extra columns (image and subtitle). The values for the extra columns are fetched from certain term meta fields. Showing the term image is achieved by using a custom callback function and showing the term subtitle is achieved by using the field meta key.


Carbon_Admin_Columns_Manager::modify_columns('taxonomy', array('category', 'post_tag') )
  ->remove( array('description', 'posts') )
  ->add( array(

function crb_column_render_term_image( $term_id ) {
	if ( $term_image_id = carbon_get_term_meta( $term_id, 'crb_term_image' ) ) {
		$term_image = wp_get_attachment_image( $term_image_id, 'my_backend_image_size' );
	} else {
		$term_image = '';

	return $term_image;

Modify user columns

Remove posts, role and e-mail columns from users listing screen, and add 2 extra columns (is user active and user registration date). The values for the extra columns are fetched from user meta fields. Showing the user status (active / inactive) is achieved by using the field meta key, while showing the user registration date is achieved by using a custom callback function.


  ->remove( array('email', 'role', 'posts') )
  ->add( array(
		Carbon_Admin_Column::create('Is Active')
		Carbon_Admin_Column::create('Registration Date')

function crb_column_get_user_registration_date( $user_id ) {
	$user = get_user_by( 'id', $user_id );
	$user_registration_date = $user->data->user_registered;

	$friendly_date_text = date( 'd F, Y', strtotime( $user_registration_date ) );

	return $friendly_date_text;

How to deal with the responsive version of the WordPress admin

By default WordPress hides all additional columns when the device width is equal or less than 800 pixels. However, the unnecessary columns can be removed or their values can be combined into a single column by using a callback function.

The example below removes the date, author and comments columns from page listing screen, and adds a single column showing the author, comments, date and thumbnail. In this example we will use the regular post function to retrieve the information. Each column will display the post data that corresponds to the listed entry.


Carbon_Admin_Columns_Manager::modify_columns('post', array('page') )
	->remove( array('date', 'author', 'comments') )
	->add( array(
		Carbon_Admin_Column::create('Page Information')
	) );

function crb_column_page_information( $page_id ) {
		<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ): ?>
				<?php the_post_thumbnail( 'thumbnail' ) ?>
		<?php endif ?>
			Posted on : <?php the_time('F jS, Y ') ?>
			 <?php printf(__('Posted by : %s', 'crb'), get_the_author()) ?>
			<?php comments_popup_link( __('No Comments', 'crb'), __('1 Comment', 'crb'), __('% Comments', 'crb') ); ?>
	$page_information_content = ob_get_clean();

	return $page_information_content;

Create a sortable column in the WordPress admin

Create a sortable column on page listing screen that sorts the pages by their views count.


Carbon_Admin_Columns_Manager::modify_columns('post', array('page') )
	->add( array(
		Carbon_Admin_Column::create('Page Information')
			->set_sort_field('views_count'), # that value will be accessible as 'orderby' get parameter.
	) );

add_action('pre_get_posts', 'crb_sort_pages_by_their_views_count');
function crb_sort_pages_by_their_views_count( $query ) {

	if ( 
		&& $query->is_main_query() 
		&& get_query_var( 'post_type' )==='page'
		&& !empty( $_GET['orderby'] )
		&& $_GET['orderby']==='orderby_custom_column'
	) {
		$query->set('orderby', 'meta_value_num');
		$query->set('meta_key', '_crb_page_views');

	return $query;

Create a sortable column on user listing screen that sorts the users by their status (active / inactive).


	->add( array(
		Carbon_Admin_Column::create('Is User Active')
	) );

add_action( 'pre_get_users', 'crb_pre_user_query' );
function crb_pre_user_query( $user_query ) {
	global $wpdb;

	if (
		&& !empty($_GET['orderby']) 
		&& $_GET['orderby']==='orderby_status'
	) {
		$user_query->set('meta_key', '_crb_is_user_active');
		$user_query->set('orderby', 'meta_value');

Set custom width to a column in the WordPress admin

Set different width to Color, Views Count and Status columns for the page listing screen. Color column width is in percents while the View Count column width is in pixels. The width for the Status column is passed as an integer, which will automatically treat it as a pixel value.


Carbon_Admin_Columns_Manager::modify_columns('post', array('page') )
	->remove( array('date', 'author') )
	->add( array(
			->set_width( '80%' )
		Carbon_Admin_Column::create('Views Count')
			->set_width( '25px' )
			->set_width( 100 )

Please, note that WordPress administration is responsive and you should use a reasonable number of columns, as well as reasonable width for each one of them. For example, having a column width of 600 pixels might cause issues on mobile devices.

How to set custom column name and to add specific style to it?

By default the column names are generated randomly unless custom name is specified.

Setting up custom name for Image column on page listing screen and setting maximum image width.


Carbon_Admin_Columns_Manager::modify_columns('post', array('page') )
	->remove( array('date', 'author') )
	->add( array(
			->set_name( 'crb-column-page-thumbnail' )
			->set_width( '100px' )


<style type="text/css">
	/* column heading */
	#carbon-crb-column-page-thumbnail {
		font-weight : bold;

	/* column value */
	.crb-column-page-thumbnail img {
		max-width : 100%;
		height : auto;

How to reorder the columns on the admin listing screeen?

Moving page thumbnail column between the post checkbox and title columns. It's required that you set a column name with set_name() and then to specify the new order with sort(). All columns that are not specified in the array that you pass to the sort() method will be moved to the end, keeping their default order.


Carbon_Admin_Columns_Manager::modify_columns('post', array('page') )
	->sort( array('cb', 'crb-thumbnail-column') )
	->add( array(
			->set_name( 'crb-thumbnail-column' )

Useful Callback Functions

The functions below are just for reference and are not defined in the plugin.

Page/Post Thumbnail
Use the following callback function to display the post thumbnail photo.

Code :

function crb_column_thumbnail( $post_id ) {
	if ( has_post_thumbnail( $post_id ) ) {
		return get_the_post_thumbnail( $post_id, 'admin_thumbnails' );

Page Template
Use the following callback function to display the page template name.

Code :

function crb_column_page_template( $page_id ) {
	$page_template_name = array_search(
		get_post_meta( $page_id, '_wp_page_template', true ),

	if ( $page_template_name === false ) {
		$page_template_name = 'Default';

	return $page_template_name;

Page Sidebar
Use the following callback function to display the sidebar that is selected for each page.

Code :

function crb_column_page_template( $page_id ) {
	$sidebar = get_post_meta( $page_id, 'crb_custom_sidebar', true );

	if ( empty($sidebar) ) {
		$sidebar = 'Default Sidebar';

	return $page_template_name;

Package Summary

Columns Manager
There are three types of manager for Posts, Taxonomies and Users listing pages.

Posts Manager

Code :

$post_types = array( 'post_type_one', 'post_type_two' );

$columns_to_remove = array( 'column_one', 'column_two' );

$custom_column_order = array( 'column_name_five', 'column_name_four', 'column_name_three' );

$columns_to_add = array( $columns_code_goes_here );

Carbon_Admin_Columns_Manager::modify_columns('post', $post_types )
	->remove( $columns_to_remove ) # remove unnecessary columns
	->sort( $custom_column_order ) # set custom column order
	->add( $columns_to_add ) # add new columns

Taxonomy Manager

Code :

$taxonomies = array( 'taxonomy_name_one', 'taxonomy_name_two' );

$columns_to_remove = array( 'column_one', 'column_two' );

$custom_column_order = array( 'column_name_five', 'column_name_four', 'column_name_three' );

$columns_to_add = array( $columns_code_goes_here );

Carbon_Admin_Columns_Manager::modify_columns('taxonomy', $taxonomies )
	->remove( $columns_to_remove ) # remove unnecessary columns
	->sort( $custom_column_order ) # set custom column order
	->add( $columns_to_add ) # add new columns

Users Manager

Code :

$columns_to_remove = array( 'column_one', 'column_two' );

$custom_column_order = array( 'column_name_five', 'column_name_four', 'column_name_three' );

$columns_to_add = array( $columns_code_goes_here );

	->remove( $columns_to_remove ) # remove unnecessary columns
	->sort( $custom_column_order ) # set custom column order
	->add( $columns_to_add ) # add new columns


Column that lists meta value by a given meta key

Code :

$column_name = __('My Column Name', 'crb');

$meta_key = '_crb_meta_key';

Carbon_Admin_Column::create( $column_name )
	->set_field( $meta_key ),

Column that prints its value through callback function

Code :

$column_name = __('My Column Name', 'crb');

$callback_function_name = 'crb_callback_function';

Carbon_Admin_Column::create( $column_name )
	->set_callback( $callback_function_name ),

 * Callback Function
 * @param $object_id Post ID, Term ID or User Id according to the Manager
function crb_callback_function( $object_id ) {
	# posts
	return get_post_meta( $object_id, '_crb_meta_key', true );

	# terms
	return carbon_get_term_meta( $object_id, '_crb_meta_key' );

	# users
	return get_user_meta( $object_id, '_crb_meta_key', true );

Available Column Functions

  • ::create( $param ), string, column label
  • set_field( $param ), string, meta key, cannot be used along with set_callback()
  • set_callback( $param ), string, callback function name, cannot be used along with set_field()
  • set_name( $param ), string, unque column name that can be used for column sorting or styling. by default the column name is generated randomly
  • set_sort_field( $param ), string, $_GET['orderby'] value

Code :

Carbon_Admin_Column::create( $column_label )
	->set_field( $meta_key )
	->set_callback( $callback_function_name )
	->set_name( $column_name )
	->set_sort_field( $crb_sorting_value )


Трябва ли да включа библиотеката, за я ползвам?
За всички нови проекти тази библиотека ще бъде част от lib папката. За по-стари проекти ще можете да я ползвате след изпълнение на drone upgrade-lib в проекта си, като ще трябва ръчно да добавите файла за колоните в /options и да го include-нете във functions.php.

Има ли особеност при използване на библиотеката в плъгини или в други теми?
Желателно е при вмъкването на библиотеката да проверявате дали вече не се вмъква от плъгин или от темата с проверка за вече вмъкната библиотека с class_exists.

Code :

if ( !class_exists(Carbon_Admin_Columns_Manager) ) {
	include_once( PATH_TO_LIBRARY . 'carbon-admin-columns-manager.php');

Има ли ограничение в броят на колоните?
Ограничение от страна на кода няма, разбира се, не е хубаво да се злоупотребява и винаги трябва да се проверява как се държат при по-ниски резолюции.

Мога ли да задам определена ширина на колоната?
Възможно е задаване на ширини в пиксели и в проценти. Описано е в пример по-горе.

Как мога да стилвам съдържанието на колоната?
Необходимо е да се зададе уникално име на колоната след, което е възможно нейното стилване по име. Описано е в пример по-горе.

Мога ли да променям стойността на вече съществуваща колона?
За момента не е възможно, тъй като post/taxonomy колоните принтират стойността и без 'хакане' не може да стане по хубав начин.

Защо колоната връща стойността над таблицата?
Този проблем възниква само при потребителските колони, когато стойността на callback функцията се принтира echo. Необходимо е стойността да се връща return.

Мога ли да променям стойността на вече съществуваща колона?
За момента не е възможно, тъй като post/taxonomy колоните принтират стойността и без 'хакане' не може да стане по хубав начин.

Искам да премахна определена колона, но не и знам името. Откъде мога да го видя?
Обикновено то е ID-то колоната. Може да се провери с browser dev tool-а.

Мога ли да използвам библиотеката на мултиезичен сайт?
Разбира се.

Има ли определена структура при инициализиране на колоните?
Определена структура няма. По авторско мнение би било желателно да се следва следния модел:

Code :

if ( !class_exists('Carbon_Admin_Columns_Manager') ) {

add_action( 'init', 'crb_admin_columns' );
function crb_admin_columns(){

	// columns code goes here


Мога ли да сортирам колоните в определен ред?
Възможно е пренареждане на колоните като колоните, които не са зададени в масива от колони ще бъдат последни. Примерът е описан по-горе.