
OneSignal API for PHP

v1.0 2024-08-20 06:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 07:10:05 UTC


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Note: All examples are for v2, if you are using PHP <7.3 please read v1 documentation.

This packages requires a PSR-18 HTTP client and PSR-17 HTTP factories to work. You can choose any from psr/http-client-implementation and psr/http-factory-implementation

Example with Symfony HttpClient and nyholm/psr7 http factories, install it with Composer:

composer require symfony/http-client nyholm/psr7 norkunas/onesignal-php-api

And now configure the OneSignal api client:



use OneSignal\Config;
use OneSignal\OneSignal;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Psr18Client;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$config = new Config('your_application_id', 'your_application_auth_key', 'your_auth_key');
$httpClient = new Psr18Client();
$requestFactory = $streamFactory = new Psr17Factory();

$oneSignal = new OneSignal($config, $httpClient, $requestFactory, $streamFactory);

How to use this library

Applications API

View the details of all of your current OneSignal applications (official documentation):

$myApps = $oneSignal->apps()->getAll();

View the details of a single OneSignal application (official documentation):

$myApp = $oneSignal->apps()->getOne('application_id');

Create a new OneSignal app (official documentation):

$newApp = $oneSignal->apps()->add([
    'name' => 'app name',
    'gcm_key' => 'key'

Update the name or configuration settings of OneSignal application (official documentation):

$oneSignal->apps()->update('application_id', [
    'name' => 'new app name'

Create Segments (official documentation):

$oneSignal->apps()->createSegment('application_id', [
    'name' => 'Segment Name',
    'filters' => [
        ['field' => 'session_count', 'relation' => '>', 'value' => 1],
        ['operator' => 'AND'],
        ['field' => 'tag', 'relation' => '!=', 'key' => 'tag_key', 'value' => '1'],
        ['operator' => 'OR'],
        ['field' => 'last_session', 'relation' => '<', 'value' => '30,'],

Delete Segments (official documentation):

$oneSignal->apps()->deleteSegment('application_id', 'segment_id');

View the details of all the outcomes associated with your app (official documentation):

use OneSignal\Apps;
use OneSignal\Devices;

$outcomes = $oneSignal->apps()->outcomes('application_id', [
    'outcome_names' => [
        'Sales, Purchase.sum',
    'outcome_time_range' => Apps::OUTCOME_TIME_RANGE_MONTH,
    'outcome_platforms' => [Devices::IOS, Devices::ANDROID],
    'outcome_attribution' => Apps::OUTCOME_ATTRIBUTION_DIRECT,

Devices API

View the details of multiple devices in one of your OneSignal apps (official documentation):

$devices = $oneSignal->devices()->getAll();

View the details of an existing device in your configured OneSignal application (official documentation):

$device = $oneSignal->devices()->getOne('device_id');

Register a new device to your configured OneSignal application (official documentation):

use OneSignal\Devices;

$newDevice = $oneSignal->devices()->add([
    'device_type' => Devices::ANDROID,
    'identifier' => 'abcdefghijklmn',

Update an existing device in your configured OneSignal application (official documentation):

$oneSignal->devices()->update('device_id', [
    'session_count' => 2,
    'ip' => '', // Optional. New IP Address of your device

Update an existing device's tags in one of your OneSignal apps using the External User ID (official documentation):

$externalUserId = '12345';
$response = $oneSignal->devices()->editTags($externalUserId, [
    'tags' => [
        'a' => '1',
        'foo' => '',

Notifications API

View the details of multiple notifications (official documentation):

$notifications = $oneSignal->notifications()->getAll();

Get the details of a single notification (official documentation):

$notification = $oneSignal->notifications()->getOne('notification_id');

Create and send notifications or emails to a segment or individual users. You may target users in one of three ways using this method: by Segment, by Filter, or by Device (at least one targeting parameter must be specified) (official documentation):

    'contents' => [
        'en' => 'Notification message'
    'included_segments' => ['All'],
    'data' => ['foo' => 'bar'],
    'isChrome' => true,
    'send_after' => new \DateTime('1 hour'),
    'filters' => [
            'field' => 'tag',
            'key' => 'is_vip',
            'relation' => '!=',
            'value' => 'true',
            'operator' => 'OR',
            'field' => 'tag',
            'key' => 'is_admin',
            'relation' => '=',
            'value' => 'true',
    // ..other options

Mark notification as opened (official documentation):


Stop a scheduled or currently outgoing notification (official documentation):


Notification History (official documentation):

$oneSignal->notifications()->history('notification_id', [
    'events' => 'clicked', // or 'sent'
    'email' => '',


If you have any questions please open a discussion.


This library is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.