
Simple plugin for handling WordPress redirects in a scalable manner.

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Open Issues: 26


0.7.3 2024-04-22 15:03 UTC


Allows to redirect one path to another path on the same domain.


Redirects are stored as a custom post type and use the following fields:

  • post_name to store the md5 hash of the From path. This column is used because it is indexed, and allows fast queries. md5 is used to simplify the storage.
  • post_title to store the From path.
  • post_excerptto store the the To path.


This plugin uses wp_safe_redirect() to redirect. You will have to whitelist your redirect target domains using WordPress' allowed_redirect_hosts filter, otherwise the redirect will not work. One way to get a list of redirect target domains is to run the WP-CLI command: wp hm-redirects find-domains. Another is to add them dynamically just-in-time using the filter hm_redirects_matched_redirect.


Props for the data storage approach to VIP's WPCOM Legacy Redirector.


Before tagging a release

Running tests

Currently the plugin's automated tests run against PHP 7.4 and WP 5.8. PHPUnit doesn't need to be installed, however:

composer install
docker run --rm -e WP_VERSION=5.8 -v $PWD:/code humanmade/plugin-tester