
Editable HTML snippets for use in themes and views

Installs: 30

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 2

Forks: 1


1.0.1 2019-07-30 11:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 05:21:33 UTC


Elgg 2.3

Reusable and editable snippets with variable interpolation


Using plugin settings to alter large chunks of HTML is repetitive and not very efficient: you have to update plugins settings, remember in which plugin a setting lives, figure out how to populate default values, implement weird mechanics to interpolate variables etc.

This plugin makes it easy, just create a snippets in your views and will be available for editing via admin interface. Snippets can then be injected into your views with elgg_snippet().


Once the plugin is enabled, snippets can be edited under Admin > Appearance > HTML Snippets.

Create a default snippet as a .twig view anywhere in views/default/snippets/:

// my-plugin/views/default/snippets/page/footer.twig
<div class="footer">
  <a class="{{ normalizeUrl('/contact') }}">Contact Us</a>

Render a snippet where it belongs:

// my-plugin/views/default/somewhere.php
echo elgg_snippet('page/footer');

You can provide the title and the description of the snippet using translations:

// languages/en.php
return [
   'snippet:page/footer' => 'Page Footer Template',
   'snippet:page/footer:help' => 'Displayed on all pages in the footer area',


Snippet overrides are stored in the dataroot, so be sure to copy them over if migrating your site. You can also reset to default template, by deleting a corresponding snippet from the dataroot.