
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.2.4) of this package.

1.2.4 2015-02-08 17:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 07:37:19 UTC


About the project

Bible_ref is a composer package that transforms real text references into PHP an PHP array for better handling in MySQL queries or stuff like that.


It is recommended that you install this package through Composer. Create a file name composer.json in your working directory and paste the following in it:

    "require": {
        "ichthus-soft/bible_ref": "dev-master"

And after that run composer install.

Or if you already have an composer.json file in your project, add the above code and run composer update.

After this, you can use the package like this:

use BibleRef\Reference;
$reference = new Reference('John 3:16');

####Manual installation#### Clone this repository and include src/BibleRef/Utils.php and src/BibleRef/Reference.php in your PHP file!

Query syntax

# You can add a single verse
$single = new Reference('John 3:16');
# You can add a range of verses
$range = new Reference('John 3:1-16');
# You can ask for multiple chapters
$multiple = new Reference('John 3:1&4:1-10');
# You can even ask for two books
$books = new Reference('John 3:16;Acts 1:1-10');
# You can combine all of the above
$uberCool = new Reference('John 3:16&1:1;Acts 5:1-15;Genesis 1:1-20&2:1');

So, to summarize:

  • The format is BookName chapter:verse[-endVerse] (Genesis 1:1[-10])
  • To add another chapter, concatenate with & (Genesis 1:1&2:1)
  • To add another book, concatenate with ; (that's a semi-colon) (Genesis 1:1;Acts 1:1)

###Version 2 (current)### Version 2 is the new recommended version to be used. The returned output is sligtly different than the old version.

Warning: this version gives the output in the order you request it (the old version gave you the verses in ascending order. If you request first the chapter 2 verse 4 and after verse 2, the first element in the array will be verse 4 because it was first requested!

Example of the output structure:

    [passage] => (string)
    [books] => Array( <- array of books
        [BookName1] => Array(
                    [verses] => Array(
                        [chapter] => Array([verses])


$test = new Reference('Genesis 2:9&1:10-12,9;John 1:4-5');
$array = $test->v2();
    [passage] => Genesis 2:9,1:10-12,9 John 1:4-5
    [books] => Array
            [Genesis] => Array
                    [verses] => Array
                            [2] => Array
                                    [0] => 9

                            [1] => Array
                                    [0] => 10
                                    [1] => 11
                                    [2] => 12
                                    [3] => 9



            [John] => Array
                    [verses] => Array
                            [1] => Array
                                    [0] => 4
                                    [1] => 5





####Real life usage:#### This package was made for the ichthus-soft/bible-api package, so let me give you an example of how we use this package there (contains parts in Romanian). You can also see this code directly on the GitHub repository by clicking here!

function v2_query($query, &$app) {
  $test = new Reference($query);
  $test = $test->v2();
  $return['pasaj'] = $test['passage'];
  $return['versete'] = [];
  $return['text'] = '';
  foreach($test['books'] as $nume => $versete) {
    foreach($versete['verses'] as $capitol => $verset) {
      foreach($verset as $v) {
          $_verset = $app['db']->fetchAssoc("SELECT * FROM biblia WHERE carte = ? AND capitol = ? AND verset = ?",
    [$nume, $capitol, $v]);
          $a['testament'] = $_verset['testament'];
          $a['carte'] = $_verset['carte'];
          $a['capitol'] = $_verset['capitol'];
          $a['verset'] = $_verset['verset'];
          $a['text'] = $_verset['text'];
          array_push($return['versete'], $a);
          $return['text'] .= $_verset['text'].' ';
  return $return;

###Version 1 (old)###

This version should not be used.

Be careful!

If you add multiple chapters, the verses return value will be default empty and the chapters return value will be an array of chapters with the verses associated.

array (size=3)
  'name' => string 'John' (length=4)
  'chapter' => 
    array (size=2)
      1 => 
        array (size=1)
          0 => int 1
      2 => 
        array (size=1)
          0 => int 1
  'verses' => 
    array (size=0)

In order to get the verses in the return value verses you have to init the Reference class with the second parameter set to false: $test = new Reference('John 1:1&2:1', false);

And basically the verses key of the returned array will be a clone of the chapter key (an associative array with chapterNumber => array() of verses!


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use BibleRef\Reference;
$test = new Reference('John 3:16');
$array = $test->getArray();
Returns something like:
array (size=3)
  'name' => string 'John' (length=4)
  'chapter' => string '3' (length=1)
  'verses' => 
    array (size=1)
      0 => int 16

More advanced example

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use BibleRef\Reference;
$test = new Reference('Ioan 1:1-4,5,6,9,11-14,20-27&2:1,4-10;Evrei 12:16,1-5,22-27&22:1,5-6&4:88,55,1-3');
$array = $test->getArray();
echo '<pre>';

returns this

    [0] => Array
            [name] => Ioan
            [chapter] => Array
                    [1] => Array
                            [0] => 1
                            [1] => 2
                            [2] => 3
                            [3] => 4
                            [4] => 5
                            [5] => 6
                            [6] => 9
                            [7] => 11
                            [8] => 12
                            [9] => 13
                            [10] => 14
                            [11] => 20
                            [12] => 21
                            [13] => 22
                            [14] => 23
                            [15] => 24
                            [16] => 25
                            [17] => 26
                            [18] => 27

                    [2] => Array
                            [0] => 1
                            [1] => 4
                            [2] => 5
                            [3] => 6
                            [4] => 7
                            [5] => 8
                            [6] => 9
                            [7] => 10


            [verses] => Array
                    [1] => Array
                            [0] => 1
                            [1] => 2
                            [2] => 3
                            [3] => 4
                            [4] => 5
                            [5] => 6
                            [6] => 9
                            [7] => 11
                            [8] => 12
                            [9] => 13
                            [10] => 14
                            [11] => 20
                            [12] => 21
                            [13] => 22
                            [14] => 23
                            [15] => 24
                            [16] => 25
                            [17] => 26
                            [18] => 27

                    [2] => Array
                            [0] => 1
                            [1] => 4
                            [2] => 5
                            [3] => 6
                            [4] => 7
                            [5] => 8
                            [6] => 9
                            [7] => 10



    [1] => Array
            [name] => Evrei
            [chapter] => Array
                    [12] => Array
                            [0] => 16
                            [1] => 1
                            [2] => 2
                            [3] => 3
                            [4] => 4
                            [5] => 5
                            [6] => 22
                            [7] => 23
                            [8] => 24
                            [9] => 25
                            [10] => 26
                            [11] => 27

                    [22] => Array
                            [0] => 1
                            [1] => 5
                            [2] => 6

                    [4] => Array
                            [0] => 88
                            [1] => 55
                            [2] => 1
                            [3] => 2
                            [4] => 3


            [verses] => Array
                    [12] => Array
                            [0] => 16
                            [1] => 1
                            [2] => 2
                            [3] => 3
                            [4] => 4
                            [5] => 5
                            [6] => 22
                            [7] => 23
                            [8] => 24
                            [9] => 25
                            [10] => 26
                            [11] => 27

                    [22] => Array
                            [0] => 1
                            [1] => 5
                            [2] => 6

                    [4] => Array
                            [0] => 88
                            [1] => 55
                            [2] => 1
                            [3] => 2
                            [4] => 3


