
Convert Regular Expressions into text, for testing

v0.1.0.0 2018-08-15 07:15 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-03 06:53:51 UTC


Build Status

Use Regular Expressions to generate text strings can be used in the following situations:

  1. Wrting test data for web forms.
  2. Writing test data for databases.
  3. Generating test data for regular expressions.


use ReverseRegex\Lexer;
use ReverseRegex\Random\SimpleRandom;
use ReverseRegex\Parser;
use ReverseRegex\Generator\Scope;

# load composer
require "vendor/autoload.php";

$lexer = new  Lexer('[a-z]{10}');
$gen   = new SimpleRandom(10007);
$result = '';

$parser = new Parser($lexer,new Scope(),new Scope());

echo $result;



Other examples

  1. Australian phone numbers
  2. Australian postcodes
  3. Mobile numbers


To install use composer

  "require" : {
	"icomefromthenet/reverse-regex" : "dev-master"

Writing a Regex

  1. Escape all meta-characters i.e. if you need to escape the character in a regex you will need to escape here.
  2. Not all meta-characters are suppported see list below.
  3. Use \X{####} to specify unicode value use [\X{####}-\X{####}] to specify range.
  4. Unicdoe \p not supported, I could not find a port of UCD to php, maybe in the future support be added.
  5. Quantifiers are applied to left most group, literal or character class.
  6. Beware of the + and * quantifers they apply a possible maxium number of occurances up to PHP_INT_MAX.

Regex Support

Example Description Resulting String
(abcf) Support literals this would generate string `abcf`
\((abcf)\) Escape meta characters as you normally would in a regex `(abcf)`
[a-z] Character Classes are supported `a`
a{5} Quantifiers supported always last group or literal or character class `aaaaa`
a{1,5} Range Quantifiers supported `aa`
a|b|c Alternation supported pick one of three at random `b`
a|(y|d){5} Groups supported with alternation and quantifiers `ddddd` or `a` or `yyyyy`
\d Digit shorthand equ [0-9] `1`
\w word character shorthand equ [a-zA-Z0-9_] `j`
\W Non word character shorthand equ [^a-zA-Z0-9_] `j`
\s White space shorthand ASCII only ` `
\S Non White space shorthand ASCII only `i`
. Dot all ASCII characters `$`
* + ? Short hand quantifiers, recommend not use them
\X{00FF}[\X{00FF}-\X{00FF}] Unicode ranges
\xFF[\xFF-\xFF] Hex ranges