
Symfony ColorSchemeBundle

Installs: 11 914

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 7

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


dev-master 2013-08-11 10:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-24 20:32:55 UTC


Symfony2 color scheme bundle


To install this bundle please follow the next steps:

First add the dependencies to your composer.json file:

"require": {
    "idci/color-scheme-bundle": "dev-master",
    "idci/exporter-bundle": "dev-master", // This bundle is not required

Then install the bundle with the command:

php composer update

Enable the bundle in your application kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new IDCI\Bundle\ColorSchemeBundle\IDCIColorSchemeBundle(),
        new IDCI\Bundle\ExporterBundle\IDCIExporterBundle(), // This bundle is not required

Now the Bundle is installed.

The Color object:

This bundle provide a color object which allow you to easily manage color conversion.

Here is an example:

use IDCI\Bundle\ColorSchemeBundle\Model\Color;
$color = new Color('red');
$hexColor = $color->toHex();    // Transform your Color object to a ColorRGBHexadecimal object
$hexColor->getRed();            // Return the red composant in hexadecimal format (here: FF)
$hexColor->getGreen();          // Return the green composant in hexadecimal format (here: 00)
$hexColor->getBlue();           // Return the blue composant in hexadecimal format (here: 00)
$hexColor->__toString();        // Return the color in hexadecimal format (here: #FF0000)

You can create a Color with a color name (as display in the following example). But you can also do this with:

Hexadecimal color value:

$color = new Color('#FF0000');

Decimal color value:

$color = new Color('255,0,0');

HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) color value:

$color = new Color('0%,0,100');

And convert them to others formats: toHex(), toDec(), toHsl() and toStr().

How to use

There is two way to use this bundle. First one, you just want to transform a Color with a given method to an other one:

Call transformer services like this:

use IDCI\Bundle\ColorSchemeBundle\Model\Color;
$lighten = $this->get('color_scheme_transformer.ligthen')->transform(new Color('red'));
$darken = $this->get('color_scheme_transformer.darken')->transform(new Color('red'));
$complement = $this->get('color_scheme_transformer.complement')->transform(new Color('red'));
$triad = $this->get('color_scheme_transformer.triad')->transform(new Color('red'));

Second one, you want to apply more than one transformer for one to many colors:

Simply call the 'color_scheme.manager' service and add your color transformers:

    ->fromColors(array('#00FF00', 'yellow', '127,127,0'))

Transformer parameters

Following to the choosen transformer, you can specified some parameters. For example, if you wants to lighten a color, may be you whishe to adjust the lighten value.

So for this case you can call the setLightnessVary method on your transformer service.

$this->get('color_scheme_transformer.ligthen')->setLightnessVary(30); // Default value is 10

Here is a list of methods that you can call, following to the used transformer:


  • setLightnessVary


  • setLightnessVary


  • none


  • setHueVary

Create your own ColorTransformer