
Symfony WebPageScreenShotBundle

dev-master 2013-08-30 10:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-24 20:39:51 UTC


Bundle used to generate web page screenshots


To install this bundle please follow the next steps:

Step 1: Download the WebPageScreenShotBundle

First add the dependency in your composer.json file:

"require": {
    "idci/webpagescreenshot-bundle": "dev-master",
    "gregwar/image-bundle": "dev-master"

Then install the bundles with the command:

php composer.phar update

Step 2: Enable the bundle

Register the bundles in your app/AppKernel.php:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new IDCI\Bundle\WebPageScreenShotBundle\IDCIWebPageScreenShotBundle(),
        new Gregwar\ImageBundle\GregwarImageBundle(),

Step 3: Install phantomjs

This bundle uses phantomjs to generate website screenshots. You can install it on linux via apt-get.

sudo apt-get install phantomjs

Now the Bundle is installed.

Step 4: Configure the bundles and set up the directories

Include a resource in your config.yml

    - { resource: @IDCIWebPageScreenShotBundle/Resources/config/config.yml }

Add a controller in your routing.yml file.

    resource: "../../vendor/idci/webpagescreenshot-bundle/IDCI/Bundle/WebPageScreenShotBundle/Controller"
    type:     annotation

You must specify some default values in your parameters.yml files. Here is an example.

    screenshot_phantomjs_bin_path: "/usr/bin/phantomjs"
    screenshot_width:              800
    screenshot_height:             600
    screenshot_mode:               file
    screenshot_format:             png
    screenshot_cache_enabled:      true
    screenshot_cache_delay:        86400
    screenshot_cache_directory:    %kernel.cache_dir%/screenshot/cache/

screenshot_phantomjs_bin_path refers to the phantomjs executable path.

You may find it with the command

whereis phantomjs

Then, You can specify a width, a height, a render mode and a render format. Three modes are available : file, url and base64. Formats include png, jpg and gif. The enabled cache parameter specify whether or not you want to put images in cache. The delay parameter refers to the TTL (time to live) of images in seconds.


You can create screenshots in 2 ways. In both cases, screenshots will be stored in the directory specified in the parameters.yml file. The maximum resolution of screenshots is 1440*900.

Create a screenshot with a command

A command allows you to create screenshots. It's as simple as this:

php app/console idci:create:screenshot [url] [width] [height] [mode] [format]

For instance, a working command would give :

php app/console idci:create:screenshot 800 600 file jpg

If you don't indicate any parameters except the url, a prompt will suggest default configuration values (those in your parameters.yml file). You can press enter to accept them, or change them if you wish.

Using the service in controllers

A controller already exists. You might want to check it out here.

There are 2 actions availables.

The first one handle a request, and return the generated image as a response.
The request should look like http://mysymfonyapp/screenshot/capture?url=
The url mode is used to retrieve an url matching the second action.

The second one simply retrieve an already generated screenshot.
The request should look like http://mysymfonyapp/screenshot/get/

You might want to do something else. The Screenshot Manager is accessible via a service called idci_web_page_screen_shot.manager. So you can do in your controllers:

$renderer = $screenshotManager

The renderer take care of rendering the screenshot, according to the chosen mode. To retrieve the content of the screenshot, use the render function.

$screenshot = $renderer->render();

Depending on the mode, it can be either a url, or a file, or a base64 encoded string.

$params is an array containing parameters. In the existing controller, it's build with the parameters of the request. Whatever you do, it should look like something like that:

$params = array(
    "url" => "",
    "mode" => "base64",
    "width" => 1024,
    "format" => "gif"

Only the url is required in this array. Other parameters will overload the values of the parameters.yml file.