
Easy to use dashboard notices manager for WordPress

1.0.2 2021-12-05 13:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 20:17:23 UTC


Easy to use notices management library for WordPress that implements WordPress notices

The library creates all the necessary stuff and ajax handling for dismissing the notices and also offers manual dismissing through code.

Quick Start

1. How to install the library

composer require ignitekit/wp-notices

2. How to use NoticesManager class

The class IgniteKit\WP\Notices\NoticesManager is the one that need to be used in order to add new notices as follows:

use IgniteKit\WP\Notices\NoticesManager;

class My_Plugin_Bootstrap() {

    private $notices_manager;
    public function __construct() {
        // Create instance of NoticesManager annd pass some custom identifier / prefix here.
        $this->notices_manager = new NoticesManager('myplugin');
        add_action('init', array($this, 'init'));
    public function init() {
        // Eg. Add error notice if Woocommerce is not installed.
        if( ! is_plugin_active( 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php' ) ) {
            // Returns instance of IgniteKit\WP\Notices\Notice
            $notice = $this->notices_manager->add_error( 'missing_wc', '<h3>WooCommerce not installed</h3><p>Please install WooCommerce in order to use My Plugin</p>', NoticesManager::DISMISS_FOREVER );   
            // Methods available in Notice
            var_dump($notice->id); // The notice ID
            var_dump($notice->is_dismissed()); // True or false
            var_dump($notice->dismiss()); // Dismisses the notice
            var_dump($notice->reset()); // Resets the notice. Removes the dismissed status.
        // Somewhere later you can use this to retrieve the error notice you added before...
        // ...apply some logic.
        $notice = $this->notices_manager->get_notice('missing_wc', 'error');
        $notice->reset(); // Then maybe reset it?
        $notice->dismiss(); // Somewhere later, maybe dismiss again?

3. List of methods available in NoticesManager for adding notices.

There are several methods available in the IgniteKit\WP\Notices\NoticesManager for adding notices.

Every mehtod of those returns IgniteKit\WP\Notices\Notice instance. This is basically the notice class.

Method add_success()

 * Add success notice. Displayed with greeen border.
 * @param $key
 * @param $message - html of the notice
 * @param string|int $expiry - Specifes how much time the notice stays disabled. 
 * Expiry parameter can be: NoticesManager::DISMISS_FOREVER, NoticesManager::DISMISS_DISABLED or number of seconds)
 * @return Notice
public function add_success( $key, $message, $expiry );

Method add_error()

 * Add error notice. Displayed with red border.
 * @param string $key - unique identifier
 * @param string $message - html of the notice
 * @param string|int $expiry - Specifes how much time the notice stays disabled. 
 * Expiry parameter can be: NoticesManager::DISMISS_FOREVER, NoticesManager::DISMISS_DISABLED or number of seconds)
 * @return Notice
public function add_error( $key, $message, $expiry );

Method add_info()

 * Add info notice. Displayed with blue border.
 * @param string $key - unique identifier
 * @param string $message - html of the notice
 * @param string|int $expiry - Specifes how much time the notice stays disabled. 
 * Expiry parameter can be: NoticesManager::DISMISS_FOREVER, NoticesManager::DISMISS_DISABLED or number of seconds)
 * @return Notice
public function add_info( $key, $message, $expiry );

Method add_warning()

 * Add warning notice. Displayed with orange border.
 * @param string $key - unique identifier
 * @param string $message - html of the notice
 * @param string|int $expiry - Specifes how much time the notice stays disabled. 
 * Expiry parameter can be: NoticesManager::DISMISS_FOREVER, NoticesManager::DISMISS_DISABLED or number of seconds)
 * @return Notice
public function add_warning( $key, $message, $expiry );

Method add_custom()

 * Add custom notice. Displayed with gray border.
 * @param string $key - unique identifier
 * @param string $message - html of the notice
 * @param string|int $expiry - Specifes how much time the notice stays disabled. 
 * Expiry parameter can be: NoticesManager::DISMISS_FOREVER, NoticesManager::DISMISS_DISABLED or number of seconds)
 * @return Notice
public function add_custom( $key, $message, $expiry );

Method get_notice_by_id()

 * Return the notice object
 * @param $id
 * @return Notice|null
public function get_notice_by_id( $id )

Method get_notice()

 * Return notice by key and type
 * @param $key
 * @param $type
 * @return Notice|null
public function get_notice( $key, $type );

4. List of methods available in Notice instance that is returned after notice is added.

There are several methods available in the IgniteKit\WP\Notices\Notice class. You can manually dismiss or reset the notice, also check if the notice is dismissed.

Method is_dismissed()

 * Check if notice is dismissed.
 * @return bool
public function is_dismissed()

Method dismiss()

 * Dismisses the notice
public function dismiss()

Method reset()

 * Removes notice dismissal flag. After this call the notice is not dismissed anymore.
public function reset()

5. File templates

The plugin supports file templates instead of simple string messages.

To display notice from a file template, you can provide a path to it with the file:// prefix as follows:



Copyright (C) 2021 Darko Gjorgjijoski (https://darkog.com)

This file is part of WP Notices

WP Notices is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

WP Notices is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with WP Notices. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.