Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
The Illuminate Auth package.
23 442 363 101
The Illuminate Broadcasting package.
22 858 773 70
The Illuminate Bus package.
34 529 282 59
The Illuminate Cache package.
29 556 043 133
The Illuminate Collections package.
48 115 397 261
The Illuminate Conditionable package.
24 172 280 82
The Illuminate Config package.
35 470 289 114
The Illuminate Console package.
36 236 255 130
The Illuminate Container package.
63 416 423 322
The Illuminate Contracts package.
95 955 784 689
The Illuminate Cookie package.
3 548 251 24
The Illuminate Database package.
42 987 175 2 921
The Illuminate Encryption package.
25 241 646 94
The Illuminate Events package.
44 435 069 146
63 902 21
The Illuminate Filesystem package.
49 473 856 157
The Illuminate Hashing package.
24 599 273 65
The Illuminate Http package.
29 661 680 126
The Illuminate Log package.
19 990 759 63
The Illuminate Macroable package.
48 700 376 74
The Illuminate Mail package.
8 630 168 64
The Illuminate Notifications package.
2 435 221 51
The Illuminate Pagination package.
27 095 671 119
The Illuminate Pipeline package.
36 793 167 92
The Illuminate Process package.
264 039 45
The Illuminate Queue package.
26 366 276 210
The Illuminate Redis package.
11 855 472 90
178 982 18
The Illuminate Routing package.
6 912 537 135
The Illuminate Session package.
30 762 479 100
A simple library for OAuth 2 authentication.
244 43
The Illuminate Support package.
86 225 072 615
The Illuminate Testing package.
11 835 390 32
The Illuminate Translation package.
30 100 098 72
The Illuminate Validation package.
30 516 837 194
The Illuminate View package.
36 675 805 137
The Illuminate Workbench package.
28 752 33
A web application foundation.
9 230 3
Abandoned! See laravelcollective/html
3 079 736 372