
10.0.0 2024-06-11 20:54 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-23 16:50:45 UTC


Polymorphic module to relate a schedule entity

To use, Run migrations and seeds.


composer require imagina/ischedulable-module=v8.x-dev

Enable the module

php artisan module:enable Ischedulable


  • schedulable

    Synchronize schedules related to your model. Listen the Event createdWithBindings and updatedWithBindings to do it.
    • Relations

      • schedule morphOne Return all related schedule of your model.
      • schedule.workTimes hasMany Return all related schedule with their workTimes.
      • belongsTo Return all related schedule with their workTimes and their day.
    • Use

      Use the Schedulable Trait in your entity.

      use Modules\Ischedulable\Support\Traits\Schedulable;
      class YourEntityClass extends CrudModel
        use Translatable, Schedulable;
        // Your entity code...

      When you are creating or updating your entity, add the schedule data to sync it.

      Sync: Only when the entity data has the schedule attribute the trait will make the sync.

      Remove: To remove the schedule of the entity, sent in the entity data the attribute schedule as false.

        //Entity Data
        // Your entity attributes/data..
        // Schedule data to sync with the entity
        "schedule": {
          "zone": "main",
          "status": 1,
          "from_date" : "2021-03-08 08:00",
          "to_date" : "2021-03-08 08:00",
          "work_times": [
              "day_id": 2,
              "start_hour": "2021-03-08 08:00",
              "end_hour": "2021-03-08 10:00",
              "shift_time" : "60",
              "day_id": 1,
              "start_hour": "2021-03-08 07:00",
              "end_hour": "2021-03-08 12:30",
              "shift_time" : "60",


  • Schedule

    Save Polymorphic Schedules

    • Relations

      • worktimes hasMany Return all related workTime of schedule.
    • Methods

      • getShifts(['dateRange','busyShifts']) Return all shifts according to worktimes of the schedule by intervals of minutes.

        To get shifts with the day model add in request the relation

        • Parameters
          • dateRange Array one array with the date range to generate the shifts, if not exist this parameter will loaded the current date until 6 days in future.
            //Obtain the shifts to 2021-09-01 until 2021-09-03 according to workTimes by day of the shedule model
            $scheduleModel->getShifts(['dateRange' => ['2021-09-01', '2021-09-03']])
          • busyShifts Array of Arrays Array with the busy shift reference to validate if shift generate by the method is busy or not.
              'busyShifts' => [
                ['startTime' => '06:00:00', 'endTime' => '08:22:00', 'calendarDate' => '2021-09-06'],
                ['startTime' => '06:00:00', 'endTime' => '07:22:00', 'calendarDate' => '2021-09-02'],
                ['startTime' => '08:00:00', 'endTime' => '09:00:00', 'calendarDate' => '2021-09-03'],
        • Response
          Yo get shifts orderer by calendarDate, dayId and startTime on asc way
          //You get a array of arrays with shifts on this format
            "busyBy" => [/*busy model set on parameter busyShift*/]
            "calendarDate" => "2021-09-06"
            "day" => //Modules\Ischedulable\Entities\Day Model 
            "dayId" => 1 //Iso Day
            "endTime" => "09:00:00"
            "isBusy" => 1
            "scheduleId" => 7
            "startTime" => "08:00:00"
  • WorkTime

    Save one or many work time to schedule

    • Relations

      • day belongsTo Return the Day model.
      • schedule belongsTo Return the Schedule model
    • Methods

      • getShifts() Generate and return the shifts of the current worktime.
  • Day

    Has the translatable week days with the iso number

    Day ISO
    Monday 1
    Tuesday 2
    Wednesday 3
    Thursday 4
    Friday 5
    Saturday 6
    Sunday 7