

v2.0.0 2023-01-04 17:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 21:56:25 UTC



Just use composer:

composer require imper86/php-immi-api

HTTPlug note

This lib uses HTTPlug so it doesn't depend on any http client. In order to use this lib you must have some PSR-18 http client and PSR-17 http factories. If you don't know which one you shoud install you can require these:

composer require php-http/guzzle6-adapter http-interop/http-factory-guzzle


Library has a bunch of mechanisms that allows you to forget about tokens, expirations etc. But in order to start using it you must authorize user using Oauth flow.

Client credentials flow example

use Http\Client\Common\Plugin\ErrorPlugin;
use Imper86\ImmiApi\Immi;
use Imper86\ImmiApi\Model\Credentials;
use Imper86\ImmiApi\Oauth\FileTokenRepository;
use Imper86\ImmiApi\Plugin\AuthPlugin;

$sandbox = true; //if set to false you will connect to production environment
$credentials = new Credentials(
$client = new Immi($credentials);

 * You can invent your own TokenRepository, just implement
 * our TokenRepositoryInterface.
 * You can use your DB, Redis, or anything you want.
 * For this example we use included FileTokenRepository
$tokenRepository = new FileTokenRepository(__DIR__ . '/var/immi_token.json');

if (!$tokenRepository->load()) {

//this plugin will take care of refreshing expired access tokens and will store new ones with $tokenRepository
$client->addPlugin(new AuthPlugin($tokenRepository, $client->oauth()));
//optional, this plugin will throw exceptions on every negative http status code
$client->addPlugin(new ErrorPlugin());

$response = $client->users()->me()->get();

dump(json_decode($response->getBody()->__toString(), true));

Auth code flow

If you want to use it, please contact me to get detailed info.


You can use client instantiated in auth part.

From now you can use these methods on $client:

use Imper86\ImmiApi\Immi;

If you use IDE with typehinting such as PHPStorm, you'll easily figure it out. If not, please take a look in Resource directory

Be aware than not all resources will be accessible for you. Many of them requires admin role, because the API is shared between admin users and client users.


Any help will be very appreciated.