Feeds writer/reader (alternative to SimplePie)

1.0.1 2019-04-03 15:34 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 20:37:08 UTC


PicoFeed was originally developed for Miniflux, a minimalist and open source news reader.

However, this library can be used inside any project. PicoFeed is tested with a lot of different feeds, it's simple and easy to use.

Features and requirements

  • Simple and fast
  • Feed parser for Atom 1.0 and RSS (0.91, 0.92, 1.0 and 2.0)
  • Feed writer for Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0
  • Import/Export OPML subscriptions
  • Content filter: HTML cleanup, remove pixel trackers and Ads
  • Many HTTP client adapters: cURL or Stream Context
  • Content grabber: download from the original website the full content
  • License: Unlicense http://unlicense.org/


  • PHP >= 5.3
  • libxml >= 2.7
  • XML PHP extensions: DOM and SimpleXML
  • cURL or Stream Context (allow_url_fopen=On)


Import OPML file

require 'vendor/PicoFeed/Import.php';

use PicoFeed\Import;

$opml = file_get_contents('mySubscriptions.opml');
$import = new Import($opml);
$entries = $import->execute();


Export to OPML

require 'vendor/PicoFeed/Export.php';

use PicoFeed\Export;

$feeds = array(
        'title' => 'Site title',
        'description' => 'Optional description',
        'site_url' => 'http://petitcodeur.fr/',
        'site_feed' => 'http://petitcodeur.fr/feed.xml'

$export = new Export($feeds);
$opml = $export->execute();

echo $opml; // XML content

Download and parse a feed

require 'vendor/PicoFeed/Reader.php';

use PicoFeed\Reader;

$reader = new Reader;

// Try to discover the XML feed automatically

$parser = $reader->getParser();

if ($parser !== false) {

    $feed = $parser->execute();

    echo $feed->title;
    echo $feed->url;

Handle HTTP cache

require 'vendor/PicoFeed/Reader.php';

use PicoFeed\Reader;

$reader = new Reader;

// Get last modified infos from previous requests
$lastModified = '...';
$etag = '...';

// Download directly the feed
$resource = $reader->download('http://petitcodeur.fr/feed.xml', $lastModified, $etag);

if ($resource->isModified()) {

    $parser = $reader->getParser();

    if ($parser !== false) {

        $feed = $parser->execute();

        echo $feed->title;
        echo $feed->url;

        // Save cache infos for the next request
        $lastModified = $resource->getLastModified();
        $etag = $resource->getEtag();

Modify the user-agent and connection timeout

    'last modified date',
    'etag value',
    'My RSS reader user agent'

Use a HTTP proxy

Just call the static method proxy() before everything else:

PicoFeed\Client::proxy($hostname, $port);

If your proxy is protected with a login/password:

PicoFeed\Client::proxy($hostname, $port, $username, $password);

Generate RSS 2.0 feed

require_once 'lib/PicoFeed/Writers/Rss20.php';

use PicoFeed\Writers\Rss20;

$writer = new Rss20();
$writer->title = 'My site';
$writer->site_url = 'http://boo/';
$writer->feed_url = 'http://boo/feed.atom';
$writer->author = array(
    'name' => 'Me',
    'url' => 'http://me',
    'email' => 'me@here'

$writer->items[] = array(
    'title' => 'My article 1',
    'updated' => strtotime('-2 days'),
    'url' => 'http://foo/bar',
    'summary' => 'Super summary',
    'content' => '<p>content</p>'

$writer->items[] = array(
    'title' => 'My article 2',
    'updated' => strtotime('-1 day'),
    'url' => 'http://foo/bar2',
    'summary' => 'Super summary 2',
    'content' => '<p>content 2 &nbsp; &copy; 2015</p>',
    'author' => array(
        'name' => 'Me too',

$writer->items[] = array(
    'title' => 'My article 3',
    'url' => 'http://foo/bar3'

echo $writer->execute();

Generate Atom feed

require_once 'lib/PicoFeed/Writers/Atom.php';

use PicoFeed\Writers\Atom;

$writer = new Atom();
$writer->title = 'My site';
$writer->site_url = 'http://boo/';
$writer->feed_url = 'http://boo/feed.atom';
$writer->author = array(
    'name' => 'Me',
    'url' => 'http://me',
    'email' => 'me@here'

$writer->items[] = array(
    'title' => 'My article 1',
    'updated' => strtotime('-2 days'),
    'url' => 'http://foo/bar',
    'summary' => 'Super summary',
    'content' => '<p>content</p>'

echo $writer->execute();

Get log messages

You can got all debug output by calling this code:


You will got an output like that:

    [0] => Fetch URL: http://petitcodeur.fr/feed.xml
    [1] => Etag:
    [2] => Last-Modified:
    [3] => cURL total time: 0.711378
    [4] => cURL dns lookup time: 0.001064
    [5] => cURL connect time: 0.100733
    [6] => cURL speed download: 74825
    [7] => HTTP status code: 200
    [8] => HTTP headers: Set-Cookie => start=R2701971637; path=/; expires=Sat, 06-Jul-2013 05:16:33 GMT
    [9] => HTTP headers: Date => Sat, 06 Jul 2013 03:55:52 GMT
    [10] => HTTP headers: Content-Type => application/xml
    [11] => HTTP headers: Content-Length => 53229
    [12] => HTTP headers: Connection => close
    [13] => HTTP headers: Server => Apache
    [14] => HTTP headers: Last-Modified => Tue, 02 Jul 2013 03:26:02 GMT
    [15] => HTTP headers: ETag => "393e79c-cfed-4e07ee78b2680"
    [16] => HTTP headers: Accept-Ranges => bytes

Override blacklist/whitelist of the content filter

These variables are static arrays, extends the actual array or replace it.

By example to add a new iframe whitelist:

Filter::$iframe_whitelist[] = 'http://www.kickstarter.com';

Or to replace the entire whitelist:

Filter::$iframe_whitelist = array('http://www.kickstarter.com');

Available variables:

// Allow only specified tags and attributes

// Strip content of these tags

// Allow only specified URI scheme

// List of attributes used for external resources: src and href

// Blacklist of external resources

// Required attributes for tags, if the attribute is missing the tag is dropped

// Add attribute to specified tags

// Integer Attributes

// Iframe allowed source

For more details, have a look to the class Filter.

How the content grabber works?

  1. Try with rules first (xpath patterns) for the domain name (see PicoFeed\Rules\)
  2. Try to find the text content by using common attributes for class and id
  3. Finally, if nothing is found, the feed content is displayed

The content downloader use a fake user agent, actually Google Chrome under Mac Os X.

The best results are obtained with Xpath rules file.

There is a PHP script inside PicoFeed to import Fivefilters rules, but I dont' use it because almost of these patterns are not up to date.

How to write a grabber rules file?

Add a PHP file to the directory PicoFeed\Rules, the filename must be the domain name:

Example with the BBC website, www.bbc.co.uk.php:

return array(
    'test_url' => 'http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23911833',
    'body' => array(
    'strip' => array(
        '//*[contains(@class, "byline")]',
        '//*[contains(@class, "story-feature")]',
        '//*[contains(@class, "share") or contains(@class, "hidden") or contains(@class, "hyper")]',

Actually, only body, strip and test_url are supported.

Don't forget to send a pull request or a ticket to share your contribution with everybody,

How to use the content scraper?

require 'vendor/PicoFeed/Reader.php';

use PicoFeed\Reader;

$reader = new Reader;

$parser = $reader->getParser();

if ($parser !== false) {

    $parser->grabber = true; // <= Enable the content grabber
    $feed = $parser->execute();
    // ...

When the content scraper is enabled, everything will be slower because for each item a new HTTP request is made and the HTML downloaded is parsed with XML/Xpath.

List of content grabber rules

If you want to add new rules, just open a ticket and I will do it.