includable / topics
Super simple websocket broadcasting.
This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^6.3
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2020-04-10 17:48:08 UTC
Super simple websocket message broadcasting.
Topis is a service built into the Includable Platform, making it easy for Includable app developers to use websocket functionality.
Note however that when using this library, the namespace shared by your topics is shared by all users of the library. So make sure to make your topic name something unique that won't collide with other users.
The best approach for this is to use a reverse-DNS style string, like
composer install includable/topics
See example.php
The Topics class exposes the following (static) functions.
Broadcast a message to a topic. These messages should always be plain PHP objects are arrays that can be JSON serialized.
use Includable\Topics\Topics; Topics::broadcast('com.thomasschoffelen.test', [ 'hello' => 'world' ]);
Broadcast a message to a topic. The difference between this and the above function is that this one is asynchronous and you won't get a response back. This above function waits until the HTTP call is completed.
use Includable\Topics\Topics; Topics::broadcastSync('com.thomasschoffelen.test', [ 'hello' => 'world' ]);