
A CLI tool for automated testing of telecom dial-in apps.

v1.1 2014-08-02 16:10 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-22 03:09:02 UTC


Gopher Banner

A stand-alone PHP package for testing telecom dial-in apps. Gopher provides a simple CLI interface for making batches of test calls. It is configured to use Twilio out of the box, but can be configured to use any similar service. Credit to brainwebb01 for the original concept for this package.

Installation with Composer

Install Gopher via Composer with the following one-liner:

$ composer create-project indatus/gopher --prefer-source

If you need to pull Gopher into an existing project, add the following line to the require block of your composer.json:

"indatus/gopher": "dev-master"

Next run composer install.


Twilio Setup

  1. Signup for a free Twilio account.
  2. Open config/callservice.php and fill in your Account SID and Auth Token.
  3. Enter your Twilio number as the default from number and update timezone with your preferred timezone. Select from PHP's supported timezone list here.

Amazon S3 Setup

Twilio requires an XML script located at a public URL for each call it makes. The script at this URL tells Twilio what to do once the call is answered. Gopher is configured to push your scripts up to an Amazon S3 bucket out of the box.

  1. Signup for an Amazon S3 account.
  2. Create a bucket and give Everyone "View" permissions in the S3 console.
  3. Open config/filesystem.php and locate the s3 configuration section.
  4. Enter your Access Key, Secret Key, and bucket name.


The root-level gopher executable is used to run three different commands:

See below for further description and usage examples of each.

Run a Single Batch of Calls

The call:single command can be used to run a single batch of calls that share the same call script. It requires two arguments:

  1. A comma-separated list of phone numbers to call
  2. The local path to the call script relative to the gopher executable
$ ./gopher call:single 5551234567,5551234561,5551234562 call-scripts/test-script.xml

call:single uses the default from phone number you provided in congig.php. You can override the default from number by passing the from option:

$ ./gopher call:single 5551234567 call-scripts/test-script.xml --from="5551234567"

The root-level call-scripts directory is used to store your call scripts. An example script is provided to get you up and running quickly. The example script contains TwiML (Twilio Markup Language) that tells Twilio how to handle the outgoing call. Feel free to modify test-script.xml and create your own call scripts. You can store your scripts globally, just be sure the path provided is relative to the gopher executable.

Run Multiple Batches of Calls

The call:multi command can be used to run multiple batches of calls, each batch having it's own call script.


Open batches.php and look at the example batch provided:

'batches' => [
    'example-1' =>
            'to' => ['5551234567', '5551234567', '5551234567'],
            'script' => 'call-scripts/test-script.xml'

A batch has two required elements: to and script. to is an array of phone numbers to call and script is the local path to the call script to use for the batch.

call:multi uses the default from phone number you provided in callservice.php. You can override the default from number by including a from element with the batch:

'batches' => [
    'example-1' =>
            'to' => ['5551234567', '5551234567', '5551234567'],
            'from' => '5557654321',
            'script' => 'call-scripts/test-script.xml'

Add as many batches as you'd like to the batches array and then run:

$ ./gopher call:multi

Run Specific Batches

You can pass a comma-separated list of batch names to call:multi to specify which specific batches to run. Make sure to give your batches unique names if you want to use this feature.

$ ./gopher call:multi example-1,example-2

Display Details of Outgoing Calls

The call:details command can be used to display the details of outgoing calls.

Display the details of a specific call with the id option:

$ ./gopher call:details --id="UNIQUE_ID"

You can specify multiple unique ids with the id option.

$ ./gopher call:details --id="UNIQUE_ID_1,UNIQUE_ID_2,UNIQUE_ID_3"

Using Filters to Narrow Call Details

Available Filters


Get details for calls made on April 5, 2014 from 555-123-4567

$ ./gopher call:details --on="2014-04-05" --from="5551234567"

Get details for calls made between 7:00 am and 10:00 am on April 5, 2014 with a completed status

$ ./gopher call:details --after="2014-04-05 07:00:00" --before="2014-04-05 10:00:00" --status="completed"

Display details for all failed calls made to 555-123-4567

$ ./gopher call:details --status="failed" --to="5551234567"