
File management made simple.

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Pathwise is a robust PHP library designed for streamlined file and directory management. With features like safe reading/writing, metadata extraction, path utilities, compression, and permission management, it ensures a developer-friendly experience while handling complex file operations.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Installation
  4. Features Overview
  5. FileManager
  6. DirectoryManager
  7. Utils
  8. Handy Functions
  9. Support
  10. License


  • Language: PHP 8.2/+


Pathwise is available via Composer:

composer require infocyph/pathwise


  • PHP 8.2 or higher
  • Optional Extensions:
    • ext-zip: Required for compression features.
    • ext-posix: Required for permission handling.
    • ext-xmlreader and ext-simplexml: Required for XML parsing.

Features Overview


The FileManager module provides classes for handling files, including reading, writing, compressing, and general file operations.


A memory-safe file reader supporting various reading modes (line-by-line, binary chunks, JSON, CSV, XML, etc.) and iterator interfaces.

Key Features

  • Supports multiple reading modes.
  • Provides locking to prevent concurrent access issues.
  • Implements Countable, Iterator, and SeekableIterator.

Usage Example

use Infocyph\Pathwise\FileManager\SafeFileReader;

$reader = new SafeFileReader('/path/to/file.txt');

// Line-by-line iteration
foreach ($reader->line() as $line) {
    echo $line;

// JSON decoding with error handling
foreach ($reader->json() as $data) {


A memory-safe file writer with support for various writing modes, including CSV, JSON, binary, and more.

Key Features

  • Supports multiple writing modes.
  • Ensures file locking and robust error handling.
  • Tracks write operations and supports flush and truncate methods.

Usage Example

use Infocyph\Pathwise\FileManager\SafeFileWriter;

$writer = new SafeFileWriter('/path/to/file.txt');

// Writing lines
$writer->line('Hello, World!');

// Writing JSON data
$writer->json(['key' => 'value']);


General-purpose file handling class for creating, deleting, copying, renaming, and manipulating files.

Key Features

  • File creation and deletion.
  • Append and update content.
  • Rename, copy, and metadata retrieval.

Usage Example

use Infocyph\Pathwise\FileManager\FileOperations;

$fileOps = new FileOperations('/path/to/file.txt');

// Check existence
if ($fileOps->exists()) {
    echo 'File exists';

// Read content
echo $fileOps->read();


Provides utilities for compressing and decompressing files using the ZIP format with optional password protection and encryption.

Key Features

  • Compress files/directories.
  • Decompress ZIP archives.
  • Support for AES encryption and password-protected ZIPs.

Usage Example

use Infocyph\Pathwise\FileManager\FileCompression;

$compression = new FileCompression('/path/to/');

// Compress a directory

// Decompress


The DirectoryManager module offers tools for handling directory creation, deletion, and traversal.


Provides comprehensive tools for managing directories, including creation, deletion, copying, and listing contents.

Key Features

  • Create, delete, and copy directories.
  • Retrieve directory size, depth, and contents.
  • Supports recursive operations and filtering.

Usage Example

use Infocyph\Pathwise\DirectoryManager\DirectoryOperations;

$dirOps = new DirectoryOperations('/path/to/directory');

// Create a directory

// List contents
$contents = $dirOps->listContents(detailed: true);


Utility classes for managing paths, permissions, and metadata.


Provides utilities for working with file paths, including joining, normalizing, and converting between relative and absolute paths.

Key Features

  • Path joining and normalization.
  • Convert between relative and absolute paths.
  • Retrieve and manipulate file extensions.

Usage Example

use Infocyph\Pathwise\Utils\PathHelper;

$absolutePath = PathHelper::toAbsolutePath('relative/path');
echo $absolutePath;

$joinedPath = PathHelper::join('/var', 'www', 'html');
echo $joinedPath;


Handles file and directory permissions, ownership, and access control.

Key Features

  • Retrieve and set permissions.
  • Check read, write, and execute access.
  • Retrieve and set ownership details.

Usage Example

use Infocyph\Pathwise\Utils\PermissionsHelper;

// Get human-readable permissions
echo PermissionsHelper::getHumanReadablePermissions('/path/to/file');

// Check if writable
if (PermissionsHelper::canWrite('/path/to/file')) {
    echo 'File is writable';


Extracts metadata for files and directories, such as size, timestamps, MIME type, and more.

Key Features

  • Retrieve file size and type.
  • Compute checksums and timestamps.
  • Get ownership and visibility details.

Usage Example

use Infocyph\Pathwise\Utils\MetadataHelper;

// Get file size
$size = MetadataHelper::getFileSize('/path/to/file');
echo "File size: $size bytes";

// Retrieve metadata
$metadata = MetadataHelper::getAllMetadata('/path/to/file');

Handy Functions

File and Directory Utilities

Pathwise provides standalone utility functions to simplify common file and directory operations.

1. Get Human-Readable File Size

Formats a file size in bytes into a human-readable format (e.g., 1.23 KB, 4.56 GB).

Usage Example:

$size = getHumanReadableFileSize(123456789);
echo $size; // Output: "117.74 MB"

2. Check if a Directory is Empty

Checks whether the given directory contains any files or subdirectories.

Usage Example:

$isEmpty = isDirectoryEmpty('/path/to/directory');
echo $isEmpty ? 'Empty' : 'Not Empty';

3. Delete a Directory Recursively

Deletes a directory and all its contents (files and subdirectories).

Usage Example:

$success = deleteDirectory('/path/to/directory');
echo $success ? 'Deleted successfully' : 'Failed to delete';

4. Get Directory Size

Calculates the total size of a directory, including all its files and subdirectories.

Usage Example:

$size = getDirectorySize('/path/to/directory');
echo "Directory size: " . getHumanReadableFileSize($size);

5. Create a Directory

Creates a directory (including parent directories) with specified permissions.

Usage Example:

$success = createDirectory('/path/to/new/directory');
echo $success ? 'Directory created' : 'Failed to create directory';

6. List Files in a Directory

Lists all files in a directory, excluding subdirectories.

Usage Example:

$files = listFiles('/path/to/directory');

7. Copy a Directory Recursively

Copies a directory and all its contents to a new location.

Usage Example:

$success = copyDirectory('/source/directory', '/destination/directory');
echo $success ? 'Copied successfully' : 'Failed to copy';


Having trouble? Create an issue!


Pathwise is licensed under the MIT License.