
A clean new PHP project

v1.3.0 2023-10-01 18:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 15:28:02 UTC


Bored of manually setting up your PHP projects ?
This is the solution !

Table of contents


This is a skeleton for PHP projects that focus on code quality.
It contains pretty much everything you need to start a new project :

  • Code quality
    • A working unit test (using PHPUnit) to bootstrap your coding experience
    • Static analyis tools (phpcs, phpstan, psalm, phpmd and phan) to enforce the quality of your code
    • A mutation testing framework (Infection) to enforce the quality of your tests
    • An automated refactoring tool (Rector) to help you keep your code up to date
    • Composer scripts to easily use all the above
  • Infra
    • Docker support
      • A Makefile to manage docker commands with ease
    • GitHub workflows to automatically run the tests and quality tools on every push and pull request
      • It also uploads a code coverage report to CodeCov


To create a new project based on this skeleton, run the following command:

composer create-project ingenioz-it/php-skeleton {PROJECT_NAME}


  • docker
  • make (optional)


  • PHP 8.2 or higher
  • composer
  • xdebug

Getting started

I suggest you run the full set of tests to make sure everything is working correctly:

1. Move to your new project.


2. Setup the project

If you are using Docker

make build && make start && make cli

This will build the Docker image and start a shell inside the container (use exit to go back to your local terminal).

If you are NOT using Docker

composer install

3. Finally, run the tests

composer fulltest

The last line should be:


You are now ready to start coding !

Code quality

The project comes with a few useful composer scripts to help you work with it.

You can view their description inside the composer.json file (look for scripts-descriptions), but here is a quick overview of the main ones:

  • composer serve: Runs a local web server on port 8000. Run this command and go to http://localhost:8000 to see the magic happen.
  • composer testdox: Runs the unit tests using the testdox format (it's better looking than the default one).
  • composer coverage-html: Generates a code coverage report in HTML format inside the doc/ directory.
  • composer quality:infection: Generates a mutation testing report in HTML format at tmp/infection.html.
  • composer quality:clean: Runs phpcbf to automatically fix code formatting issues.
  • composer quality:refactor: Runs Rector to automatically refactor your code. Warning: This is a very powerful tool that can break your code. Use composer quality:refactor-dry to preview the changes before applying them.
  • composer fulltest: Runs the full set of tests (unit tests, static analysis tools and mutation testing).


The project comes with a Makefile to help you manage your Docker container:

  • make build : Builds the Docker image
  • make start : Starts the Docker container (go to http://localhost:8080 to see your app live)
  • make stop : Stops the Docker container
  • make restart : Restarts the Docker container
  • make rebuild : Rebuilds the Docker image and restarts the container
  • make remove : Removes the Docker container
  • make cli : Access a command line the container (useful to run the various composer scripts)
  • make logs : Displays the logs of the Docker container
  • make clean : Cleans the docker environment

Customize your app

Make the project truly yours by doing the following:

  • Update the composer.json with your project's information
  • Update the file to describe your project
  • Update the LICENSE file with your favorite license