
Package for OOP WordPress metabox orchestration.

0.4.4 2023-01-20 15:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-18 13:30:36 UTC


A Composer package that provides OOP metabox orchestration for WordPress.


  • Allows to add metaboxes to taxonomy terms
  • Automatically handles nonces and authorizations.
  • Agnostic about the actual rendering and saving mechanism of metaboxes
  • OOP infrastructure


"Metabox Orchestra" is not a plugin, but a Composer package. It can be required by themes, plugins or at website level for sites entirely managed by Composer.

After it is installed via Composer, and composer autoload is required, Metabox Orchestra needs to be bootstrapped, like this:

  • This can be done in any plugin, MU plugin or theme functions.php with no need to wrap the call in any hook.
  • There's no need to check if the library is already bootstrapped, the snippet above can be called multiple times without any negative effect.

After this single line of code is in place, "Metabox Orchestra" is fully working and ready to be used.


After "Metabox Orchestra" is loaded and bootstrapped, it's time to add some metaboxes.

Each metabox is Composed by 4 simple objects, for 3 of them "Metabox Orchestra" provides the interface, for the fourth it provides a ready made implementation.

The objects are:

  • A metabox builder
  • A metabox info
  • A metabox view
  • A metabox action

Metabox Builder

The builder is an object implementing PostMetabox for boxes to be printed in posts edit screen, and TermMetabox for boxes to be printed in taxonomy terms edit screen.

Below the signature of PostMetabox public methods:

interface PostMetabox extends Metabox {
	public function create_info( string $show_or_save, Entity $entity ): BoxInfo;

	public function accept( \WP_Post $post, string $save_or_show ): bool;
	public function create_view( \WP_Post $post ): BoxView;
	public function create_action( \WP_Post $post ): BoxAction;

TermMetabox interface is practically identical, only in places where PostMetabox expects a WP_Post, TermMetabox expects a WP_Term.

Note: both PostMetabox and TermMetabox extend the Metabox interface which only contains the create_info() method, which (for the sake of readability) is shown as part of PostMetabox in the snippet above.

Metabox Info

PostMetabox::create_info() (and TermMetabox::create_info()) must return an instance of BoxInfo.

This is a value object shipped with the library. It encapsulates the scalar arguments that are usually passed to add_meta_box() WordPress function: metabox id, title, context and priority.

From inside create_info() method an info object can be returned just by instantiating it:

public function create_info( string $show_or_save, Entity $entity ): BoxInfo {

	return new BoxInfo( 'My Sample Metabox' );

The full constructor signature looks like this:

public function __construct( string $title, string $id = '', string $context = '', string $priority = '' )

However, only the title is mandatory, all other arguments will be set to sensitive default when not provided.

$context and $priority are the same arguments taken by add_meta_box() WordPress function.

BoxInfo comes with a set of class constants that help in setting them, if one wants to. For example:

public function create_info( string $show_or_save, Entity $entity ): BoxInfo {

	return new BoxInfo(
		__( 'My Sample Metabox', 'my-txt-domain' ),

The $show_or_save argument can be used to distinguish if the create_info() is called when showing the metabox or when saving it; for this purpose the passed value has to be compared to the constants: Metabox::SHOW and Metabox::SAVE.

The $entity argument is an object wrapping the WP_Post (or WP_Term) the metabox will be shown for.

The object has a method is() to know what kind of object it actually wraps, and other useful methods, including expose() that returns the wrapped object.

For example, to use the post type label as part of metabox title it is possible to do:

public function create_info( string $show_or_save, Entity $entity ): BoxInfo {
    $metabox_name = 'Term';
    if ( $entity->is( \WP_Post::class ) ) {
        $post_type = get_post_type_object( $entity->post_type );
        $metabox_name = $post_type->labels->singular_name;

	return new BoxInfo( sprintf( 'My %s Metabox', $metabox_name ) );

Note how above the post_type property is accessed as public property of the Entity object, this works thanks to "magic" __get() method of Entity that delegates public properties access to the wrapped entity, being it a WP_Post or a WP_Term object.

Metabox View

"Metabox Orchestra" does not provide any view class, but just a view interface that is the same for post and term metaboxes.

The whole interface methods signature is:

interface BoxView {

	public function render( BoxInfo $info ): string;

So it is a very simple object. What happens inside render() it's up to you.

The BoxInfo instance passed to render() is the same that is returned by Metabox::create_info().

Very likely the render method will need to access the current object that is being edited (either a WP_Post or a WP_Term), but render() does not receive it.

That's not an issue, because the view object is returned from PostMetabox::create_view() (or TermMetabox::create_view()) that receives that object.

Which means that the view object could accept it in the constructor the object.

For example:

public function create_view( \WP_Post $post ): BoxView {

	$view = new MyAwesomeBoxView( $post );
	return $view;

Note that adding a nonce field inside the BoxView::render() method is not necessary: "Metabox Orchestra" handles all nonce things.

Metabox Action

"Metabox Orchestra" does not provide any action class, but just an action interface that is the same for post and term metaboxes.

The whole interface method signature is:

interface BoxAction {

	public function save( AdminNotices $notices ): bool;

So it is a very simple object. What happens inside save() it's up to you.

Very likely the render method will need to access the current object that is being saved (either a WP_Post or a WP_Term), but the save() does not receive it.

That's not an issue, because the action object is returned from PostMetabox::create_action() (or TermMetabox::create_action()) that receives that object.

Which means that the action object could accept it in the constructor the object.

For example:

public function create_action( \WP_Post $post ): BoxAction {

	$action = new MyAwesomeBoxAction( $post );
	return $this->action;

The AdminNotices instance passed to the BoxAction::save() method, is an object that allows to show an error or a success message as admin notice.

It is absolutely optional and should not be abused, but can be useful especially to inform the user if same errors happen during the saving routine.

Note that checking for nonces or for capability inside the BoxAction::save() method is not necessary: "Metabox Orchestra" does it for you.

When saving a post it is also not necessary to skip check for autosave or revision and skip saving, that's done by "Metabox Orchestra" as well.

Add boxes

After all objects are written, it is just a matter of hooking Boxes::REGISTER_BOXES and calling the Boxes::add_box() method on the Boxes instance that is passed as argument to that hook.

For example:

add_action( Boxes::REGISTER_BOXES, function ( Boxes $boxes ) {
	$boxes->add_box( new MyAwesomeMetabox() );
} );

Complete Example

Below there's a trivial yet complete example on how to add a working box to the category edit screen.

First the "Box" object:

namespace MyProject;

use MetaboxOrchestra\Entity;
use MetaboxOrchestra\BoxInfo;
use MetaboxOrchestra\BoxView;
use MetaboxOrchestra\BoxAction;

class SampleMetabox implements MetaboxOrchestra\TermMetabox {

	public function create_info( string $show_or_save, Entity $entity ): BoxInfo {
    	return new BoxInfo( 'My Sample Box' );
    public function accept_term( \WP_Term $term, string $save_or_show ): bool {
    	return true;
    public function view_for_term( \WP_Term $term ): BoxView {  
    	return new SampleView( $term );
    public function action_for_term( \WP_Term $term ): BoxAction {
    	return new SampleAction( $term );

then the "View" object:

namespace MyProject;

use MetaboxOrchestra\BoxView;
use MetaboxOrchestra\BoxInfo;

class SampleView implements BoxView {

	private $term;

	public function __construct( \WP_Term $term ) {
		$this->term = $term;

	public function render( BoxInfo $info ): string {
        return sprintf(
            '<input name="_my_sample_key" type="text" value="%s">',
            esc_attr( get_term_meta( $this->term->term_id, '_my_sample_key', TRUE ) ?: '' )

and the "Action" object:

namespace MyProject;

use MetaboxOrchestra\BoxAction;
use MetaboxOrchestra\AdminNotices;

class SampleAction implements BoxAction {

	private $term;

	public function __construct( \WP_Term $term ) {
		$this->term = $term;

	public function save( AdminNotices $notices ): bool {
		$cur_value = get_term_meta( $this->term->term_id, '_my_sample_key', TRUE ) ? : '';
		$new_value = esc_html( $_POST[ '_my_sample_key' ] ?? '' );
		$success = TRUE;
		if ( $new_value && is_string( $new_value ) && $new_value !== $cur_value ) {
			$success = $this->update_value( $new_value, $notices );
		} elseif ( ! $new_value && $cur_value ) {
			$success = $this->delete_value( $new_value, $notices );
		return $success;
    private function update_value( string $value, AdminNotices $notices ): bool {
        if ( ! update_term_meta( $this->term->term_id, '_my_sample_key', $value ) ) {
            $notices->add('Error saving sample value.', 'Error!', AdminNotices::ERROR );
            return false;
        $notices->add( 'Sample value saved.', 'Success!', AdminNotices::SUCCESS );
        return true;
    private function delete_value( AdminNotices $notices ): bool {
        if ( ! delete_term_meta( $this->term->term_id, '_my_sample_key' ) ) {
            $notices->add( 'Error deleting sample value.', 'Error!', AdminNotices::ERROR );
            return false;
        $notices->add( 'Sample value deleted.', 'Success!', AdminNotices::SUCCESS );
        return true;

and finally the "bootstrapping" that will probably happen in the main plugin file:

namespace MyProject;

use MetaboxOrchestra;


    function ( MetaboxOrchestra\Boxes $boxes ) {
		$boxes->add_box( new SampleMetabox() );

This is more code than it would be necessary with "normal" WordPress procedural approach, but it is modular, it is testable, enables re-usability and composition and it does all the boring repetitive tasks automatically.

Also is not that more: adding proper checks for capability and nonces, adding the code to print the admin notices the "standard" WordPress procedural approach will not take that less code.

Plus, the above snippets print the box on the term edit screen: doing it needs a big chunk of code that "Metabox Orchestra" does for you.


  • PHP 7+
  • Composer to install


Via Composer, package name is inpsyde/metabox-orchestra.

License and Copyright

This repository is a free software, and is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or (at your option) any later version. See LICENSE for complete license.