
Validate array with complex structure

2.0.0 2021-07-29 10:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 05:43:02 UTC


Yii2 validator for complex array structures


Validator for array attributes, unlike builtin "each" validator, that support only one rule, this validator can

  • validate multiple array attributes and even nested data structures
  • All keys that should be present in array must be described, for optional keys default value should be set
  • When input array not contains key defined in rules, this key added automatically with null value
  • When input array contains key not defined in rules, "unexpected item" error will be defined


composer require insolita/yii2-array-structure-validator


For a simple array with known keys like ['id'=>1, 'name'=>'John Doe'];

public function rules() 
   return [
       ['simpleArray', ArrayStructureValidator::class, 
                 'id'=>[['required'], ['integer','min'=>0]],
                 'name'=>[['required'], ['string', 'max'=>100]],
                 'sex'=>[['default', 'value'=>'male'], ['in','range'=>['male','female']]

For multidimensional arrays like [ ['id'=>1, 'name'=>'John Doe'], ['id'=>2, 'name'=>'Jane Doe','sex'=>'female'], ... ] set each = true

public function rules() 
   return [
       [['multiArray', 'some', 'attrs'], 'required'],
       ['multiArray', ArrayStructureValidator::class, 
                 'id'=>[['required'], ['integer','min'=>0]],
                 'name'=>[['required'], ['string', 'max'=>100]],
                 'sex'=>[['default', 'value'=>'male'], ['in','range'=>['male','female']]

For nested structures like

    'user'=>['id'=>1, 'name'=>'John Doe'],
    'coords'=>[['x'=>1, 'y'=>2],['x'=>3,'y'=>4]]
public function rules() 
   return [
       ['complexArray', ArrayStructureValidator::class, 
                           'id'=>[['required'], ['integer','min'=>0]],
                           'name'=>[['required'], ['string', 'max'=>100]],
                            'x'=>[['required'], ['integer','min'=>0]],
                            'y'=>[['required'], ['integer','min'=>0]],
                 ], 'min'=>1, 'max'=>5]],
           ], 'min'=>2, 'max'=>2]

Model scenarios supported

public function rules() 
   return [
        ['conditional', ArrayStructureValidator::class, 
                  'a'=>[['integer','min'=>0]], //will be checked on any scenario
                          ['default', 'value'=>1, 'on'=>['create']],
                          ['integer', 'max'=>10, 'except'=>['create']],
                          ['required',  'on'=>['update']],
                          ['integer', 'max'=>1000, 'on'=>['update']],

Closure and Inline validators supported, but with signature different from default

Inline method in model class

public function rules() 
   return [
      ['array', ArrayStructureValidator::class,  'rules'=>[
             'item'=>[['required'], ['customValidator']]

public function customValidator($attribute, $model, $index, $baseModel, $baseAttribute){
 * $model - Dynamic model with attributes equals value data, or value row, if used with each=>true
 * $attribute - current keyName
 * $index - current array index for multidimensional arrays, or null
 * $baseModel - instance of initial model, where validator was attached
 * $baseAttribute - name of initial attributed, where validator was attached

 * access to validated value - $model->$attribute
 * access to whole validated array  $baseModel->$baseAttribute
 * $model->addError($attribute, '[{index}][{attribute}] Error message', ['index'=>$index]);

When conditions supported (But not whenClient!)

public function rules() 
   return [
      ['conditional', ArrayStructureValidator::class, 
                   ['default', 'value'=>1, 'when'=>fn(DynamicModel $model) => $model->x < 10],
                      'when'=>function($model, $attribute, $index, $baseModel, $baseAttribute){
                              return count($baseModel->$baseAttribute) > 5;


Database related validators (exists, unique) not covered by tests yet and not supported