
Annotation and command for control entity custom indexes

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v1.1.0 2024-10-21 19:54 UTC


The CustomIndexBundle allows create index for doctrine entities using attribute with entity definition and console command.


CustomIndexBundle requires Symfony 5 or higher. Works only with PostgreSQL.

Run into your project directory:

$ composer require intaro/custom-index-bundle

Register the bundle in config/bundles.php:


return [
    Intaro\CustomIndexBundle\IntaroCustomIndexBundle::class => ['all' => true],

If your project have many schemas in single database and command must generate custom indexes only for one schema then add in your config.yml:

    search_in_all_schemas: false
    allowed_index_types: ['gin', 'gist', 'btree', 'hash']

Default value of search_in_all_schemas is true. If you have different entities in different schemas and you need to update custom indexes in all schemas at once then you must set search_in_all_schemas to true or omit this config. If you have database with only public schema then search_in_all_schemas value doesn't matter.

Parameter allowed_index_types helps to exclude some types of indexes. If someone will try to use excluded type, command intaro:doctrine:index:update will return an error.
Default value is ['gin', 'gist', 'btree', 'hash'].


  1. Add attributes in your entity

namespace Acme\MyBundle\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Intaro\CustomIndexBundle\Metadata\Attribute\CustomIndex;

#[CustomIndex(columns: ['my_property1'])]
#[CustomIndex(columns: ['lower(my_property1)', 'lower(my_property2)'])]
class MyEntity
    #[ORM\Column(type:'string', length: 256)]
    private $myProperty1;
    #[ORM\Column(type:'string', length: 256)]
    private $myProperty2;

Available CustomIndex properties:

  • columns - array of the table columns
  • name - index name (default = 'i_cindex_<md5 hash from all CustomIndex attributes>').
  • unique - index is unique (default = false).
  • using - corresponds to USING directive in PostgreSQL CREATE INDEX command.
  • where - corresponds to WHERE directive in PostgreSQL CREATE INDEX command.

Required only columns property.

  1. Use intaro:doctrine:index:update command for update db.
php app/console intaro:doctrine:index:update

You may use dump-sql parameter for dump sql with DROP/CREATE INDEX commands

php app/console intaro:doctrine:index:update --dump-sql


Create index using pg_trgm extension:


#[CustomIndex(columns: ['lower(my_column) gist_trgm_ops'], using: 'gist')]

Create unique index using PostgreSQL functions:


#[CustomIndex(columns: ['lower(my_column1)', 'nullif(true, not my_column2 isnull)'], unique: true)]

Create partial index:


#[CustomIndex(columns: ['site_id'], where: 'product_id IS NULL')]