
Collects and sends execution time of Doctrine queries, Twig renders and Redis requests as pinba timers to pinba server

Installs: 501 824

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 22

Watchers: 10

Forks: 15

Open Issues: 3


2.4.1 2024-06-18 16:03 UTC




PinbaBundle is Symfony bundle for pinba.

Important! Include this bundle only in `prod` environment.

It collects and sends times of execution for Doctrine queries, Twig renders and Redis requests as pinba timers to pinba server. You can watch collected realtime metrics in Intaro Pinboard. Example of output:

Pinba timers in Intaro Pinboard

Also PinbaBundle changes pinba script_name variable to request_uri value otherwise pinba sends app.php in script_name for the requests.


PinbaBundle requires Symfony 4.4 or higher.

Require the bundle in your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "intaro/pinba-bundle": "^2.0",

Important! Register the bundle in prod environment:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = [

    if ('prod' === $this->environment) {
        $bundles[] = new Intaro\PinbaBundle\IntaroPinbaBundle();


Install the bundle:

$ composer update intaro/pinba-bundle


Configure script_name

PinbaBundle automatically configures script_name variable of pinba.

Collecting Twig metrics

PinbaBundle automatically collects metrics for Twig renders.

Collecting Doctrine metrics

Edit app/config/config_prod.yml and add this lines:

        logging: true

Don't worry. This config enables pinba logger which collects only queries execution time but not logs them.


Run tests

Install vendors:

make vendor

Run php-cs-fixer, phpstan and phpunit:

make check