integrated / storage-bundle
Integrated Storage Bundle
- php: >=5.4
- doctrine/collections: ~1.3
- fzaninotto/faker: ~1.6
- integrated/asset-bundle: ~0.7
- integrated/content-bundle: ~0.7
- integrated/image-bundle: ~0.7
- integrated/library: ~0.7
- knplabs/knp-gaufrette-bundle: ~0.1.7
- symfony/symfony: ~2.8 || ~3.0
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ^5.7
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ^2.8
- ext-imagick: Allows more image formats to be uploaded
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-28 07:14:22 UTC
This bundle enhances storage in any Integrated (0.4+) project.
- See the require section in the composer.json
This bundle can be installed following these steps:
Install using composer
$ php composer.phar require integrated/storage-bundle:~0.4
Enable the bundle
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new Knp\Bundle\GaufretteBundle\KnpGaufretteBundle(),
new Integrated\Bundle\StorageBundle\IntegratedStorageBundle()
// ...
The bundle makes use of knplabs/knp-gaufrette-bundle for configuration and a filesystem map. When you've enabled the bundle this config below is required for a default Integrated installation.
# app/config.yml
directory: %kernel.root_dir%/../web/uploads/documents
adapter: foo
public: /uploads/documents
The StorageBundle places the files on all known filesystems when no decision mapping exists. The order defined in the configuration will be used to determine its primary path. When a filesystem has no resolver storage (for protected files) the developer must write an own implementation to give access to file (see Protecting files section). The filesystems (foo above) in the knp_gaufrette configuration are linked to the integrated_storage configuration. Based on the key(s) a resolver or decision map entry is linked to a filesystem.
Configuring the assets
The IntegratedStorageBundle uses the SpBowerBundle for handling the external resources.
# app/config/config.yml
IntegratedStorageBundle: ~
The routing needs to be to imported into the application to support usage in various Integrated components.
# app/routing.yml
resource: "@IntegratedStorageBundle/Resources/config/routing/storage.xml"
prefix: "/"
Decision map
Additionally to protected entities from being stored in a public accessible resource a developer can configure filesystems for entities.
You can enforce entities to be stored in specific storage(s) (thus preventing a public storage).
# app/config.yml
// ...
"Integrated\Bundle\ContentBundle\Document\File": [foo]
The redistribution command does not make use of the decision map and copies all files in the given storage.
A file requires an unique identifier. By default the identifier is based on the contents of the file. You can write your own implementation of Integrated\Common\Storage\Identifier\IdentifierInterface
. The config below is default and does not have to be set.
# app/config.yml
// ...
identifier_class: Integrated\Bundle\StorageBundle\Storage\Identifier\FileIdentifier
A resolver returns the location of the stored file, providing a location for a browser. The filesystem does is not linked to public accessible location, for each filesystem a resolver must be written. In some cases you will need to add filesystem specific logic to the resolver. You can write your own implementation of Integrated\Common\Storage\Resolver\ResolverInterface
The config below is default and does not have to be set.
# app/config.yml
// ..
public: /uploads/documents
resolver_class: Integrated\Bundle\StorageBundle\Storage\Resolver\LocalResolver
The arguments given to the resolver are passed in the options variable of the constructor. You can add a service or a parameter to your resolver trough the configuration.
Protecting files
In some cases the files may not be stored in a public available directory. Most cases a directory on the home of the user is enough which can be stored local. You can do this by adding an additional private local storage. However files can also be stored on any remote by not defining an resolver.
A controller might look like the following:
// File is a Integrated\Common\Content\Document\FileInterface object
$response = new Response();
Data fixtures
In order to make use of the StorageBundle in fixtures the file must exist on disk and must be created by an StorageManager. The manager creates the file on the disk as configured in the application. The file exists and is placed on the correct filesystem with the required properties. To use the helper you must add a trait to your LoadFixtureData class and the LoadFixtureData class must be ContainerAware to have access to the container.
// Required class and trait
use Integrated\Bundle\StorageBundle\DataFixtures\MongoDB\Extension\FileExtensionTrait;
use Integrated\Bundle\StorageBundle\DataFixtures\MongoDB\Extension\ImageExtensionTrait;
use Integrated\Bundle\StorageBundle\DataFixtures\MongoDB\Extension\VideoExtensionTrait;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareTrait;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
class LoadFixtureData implements FixtureInterface, ContainerAwareInterface {
// The trait to include the public helper
use FileExtensionTrait;
use ImageExtensionTrait;
use VideoExtensionTrait;
use ContainerAwareTrait;
Now you can use the following in your alice/Fixtures.yml file:
# Create an image (storage object)
<createImage(300, 400, 'nature')>
# Create a file type (might be slower because it uses lorempixel)
<createFile($this->fake('image', '', '/tmp', 300, 400, 'business'), 'name')>
# Create a storage object (file) (might be slower because it uses lorempixel)
<createStorage($this->fake('image', '', '/tmp', 300, 400, 'city'))>
# Create a random video (storage object) (from
Depending on your implementation you can remove the type and extension requirements or as a parameter in whole.
This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle:
Pull requests are welcome. Please see our CONTRIBUTING guide.
This bundle is part of the Integrated project. You can read more about this project on the Integrated for Developers website.