Octopus CORE UI files

1.0.0 2023-03-24 22:17 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 06:17:20 UTC


What is this repository for?

  • This repository is responsible for octopus framework core user interface files
  • It contains javascript, css and blade files

Prepare for development

Fresh installation of laravel
Install Laravel framework


  1. Create packages folder in your laravel application directory if it not exists and clone ocv3coreui repository to packages/interaktyvussprendimai/ocv3coreui folder

  2. Edit project composer.json file and after line "App\\": "app/", add package namespace and folder where the files are. In all cases folder should end with "src" directory. Example:

    "interaktyvussprendimai\\ocv3coreui\\": "packages/interaktyvussprendimai/ocv3coreui/src"

  3. Add your package provider to config/app.php at providers section at the end:


  4. Autoload classes with composer. In your terminal window type this:

    composer dump-autoload

  5. Publish vendors of coreui package:

    php artisan vendor:publish

Cookie law package

Read for usage https://github.com/spatie/laravel-cookie-consent#user-content-usage