interserver / mailbaby-mail-api
API service for accessing the Mail.Baby services.
- php: >=7.2
- illuminate/database: ^8.83
- illuminate/pagination: ^8.83
- monolog/monolog: ^2.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer: ^6.6
- psr/container: ^1.1.1
- symfony/var-dumper: ^5.4
- vlucas/phpdotenv: ^5.4
- workerman/webman-framework: ^1.4.3
Requires (Dev)
- league/openapi-psr7-validator: ^0.15.2
- ext-event: For better performance.
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-13 13:51:12 UTC
API service for accessing the Mail.Baby services.
API Sample Clients
Sample clients for the API are available in many languages
- Lists
- OpenAPI Tools Listing of OpenAPI relatd tools by category (Documentors, Parsers, Mockers, etc)
- Framework Docs
- WebMan Manual WebMan framework documentation
- Illuminate Database Docs
- PHPMailer email sending library for PHP
- API Spec
- API Client Sample Generators
- swagger-api/swagger-codegen: swagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition.
- OpenAPITools/openapi-generator-cli: A node package wrapper for
- Kong/httpsnippet: HTTP Request snippet generator for many languages & libraries
- Code Snippet and Example integration into SPEC
- cdwv/oas3-api-snippet-enricher: Enrich your OpenAPI 3.0 JSON with code samples
- ErikWittern/openapi-snippet: Generates code snippets for given Swagger / Open API documents
- Generated Code
- MailBaby generated PHP Client PHP Client generated by the OpenAPI Generator/Swagger Codegen
- Our API Docs
- API Editor
- PHP OpenAPI Libs
- canvural/php-openapi-faker: Library to generate fake data for OpenAPI request/response/schemas
- sunrise-php/http-router: 🎉 Release 2.0 is released! Very fast HTTP router for PHP 7.1+ based on PSR-7 and PSR-15 with support for annotations/attributes and OpenAPI (Swagger) Specification
- cebe/php-openapi: Read and write OpenAPI yaml/json files and make the content accessible in PHP objects.
- lezhnev74/openapi-psr7-validator: It validates PSR-7 messages (HTTP request/response) against OpenAPI specifications
- erasys/openapi-php: 📚Swagger / Open API 3.0 builder and validation library for PHP that helps you write valid specs.
- OpenAPI PSR-7 Message Validator
- API Doc Settings
- Swagger/OpenAPI Spec Documentation
- StopLight Elements OpenAPI Documentor
- rapi-doc/RapiDoc: RapiDoc -WebComponent for OpenAPI Spec
- RapiDoc - Web Component based Swagger & OpenAPI Spec Viewer
- stoplightio/studio: The modern editor for API Design and Technical Writing.
- Open-Source API Mocking, Linting, & Documentation | Stoplight
- RapiDoc - Web Component based Swagger & OpenAPI Spec Viewer
- RapiDoc API Demo
This is built on top of Webman, a high performance HTTP Service Framework for PHP based on Workerman.
API Specification
We are utilizing the OpenAPI 3 (formerly known as Swagger) spec for this API. It is basically the next evolution of SOAP API's with well defined functions, parameters, and responses. While there are many editors out there I'm currently using SwaggerHub to do most of the editing of the spec.
Webman Framework
After testing every PHP library out there dealing with concurrent/asynchronous processing many times over the years I've found Workerman to be the overall best. It has proven more stable and by far faster than the alternatives with the one big downside being that its documentation and code comments are all in Chinese. Webman is a fairly recently created web framework on top of Workerman. There had been many previously created frameworks based on workerman and while some were good Webman seemed to hit that perfect balance between ease-of-use and power.
The Chinese documentation is easily readable Using either the auto translate in Chrome or an addon like Translate Web Pages for Firefox.