
IPaaS package for laravel provides php support for google app-engine logging and handling

v4.0.4 2022-08-08 15:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 21:45:28 UTC


This package includes

  • Driver for Google stack logging
  • Exception handler for Google error reporting
  • Log-info (iLog) helper
    • To collect info on runtime through laravel service container interface
    • To render collected info and attach to each log context
  • Middleware
    • To authenticate request
    • To capture initial request for logger
  • Request
    • To provide additional methods with request
  • Exceptions
    • To report exception with Log-info context
    • To render exception according to iPaaS set standards
  • Response
    • To all context information with response
    • To render error and response according to iPaaS set standards
  • Other helpers
    • Converter
    • [more coming soon]


i. Add Package

Run composer update after adding composer package

ipaas/gapp-laravel: ~1.1.0

OR; by running

composer require ipaas/gapp-laravel // considering v2+

Make sure that the
ENV: GAPP_SECURE is set to true; and
ENV: LOG_CHANNEL on gcloud environment is set to stack-driver;

ii. Migration and Artisan Command

If you are using the version 2.0 or later, you will have access to the migration and artisan command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=gapp command will push the middleware to the application, and furthermore using GAPP_SECURE set to true, the security will be applied.

php artisan migrate command will create a new partner_apps table in your application, which will be used to verify the X-Api-Key when passing the middleware partner.

php artisan create-partner-app {provider} command will create a new row in your new partner_apps table with a provider name as optional argument.

API Documentation

Log-info (ilog)

Helper to add context information to all log entries.

Once context is added to ilog it will append to all future logs entries ilog refresh with each request and; have same life cycle as of request()

ilog() is a helper method returning singleton class Ipaas\Gapp\Logger\Client.php To add context info just call ilog() and chain any method available. Following methods are available:

Method Usage
setClientId (string) set client id/name
setClientKey (string) set client key/token
setRequestId (string) set request id/token
setType (string) type of request
prop ((string)value, (string)name) any custom key and value
setDate ((string⎮Carbon)value, (string)name) any custom date key and value
setDateFrom (string⎮Carbon) sync/request date from
setDateTo (string⎮Carbon) sync/request date to
setUuid (string⎮null) universal unique identifier
toArray() get all info as array

iLog([data-set]) can be use to re-init* log data. *can be use to pass log-info to queue jobs

Example Following example will write log in GCloud Logging with all provided context

/* ------ Class A ------- */
function validateUser(Request $request){
	// validate request

	// get user details
	$user = User::get($data->user_id);

	if ($user) {	
		/********LOG-INFO PROVIDER*******/
		iLog()                          // add user details to context
		->setClientId($user->id)        // client id to context
		->setClientKey($user->key);     // client key to context
		// add request details context
		iLog()->setType('Validate user name');

		// Calling other class to resolve request
		return ClassB::validateUserName($user);

/* ------ Class B ------- */
// all set context still exist
function validateUserName(User $user){
	// log event info
	// will be logged with context
	Log::info('Validating user name')

	// validate user name
	$name = $user->name;
	if(empty($name) || is_null($name))
		// log warning that name is not valid
		// will be logged all context
		Log::warning('Name is null or empty');
		return false;



By default this library try to validate request by checking headers:

  • X-Api-Key (set on the partner_apps table) the system will try to match the header X-Api-Key with the partner_apps table. To enable, just add the middleware partner on your desirable route Route::get('foo', FooController@bar)->middleware('partner')


By default library try to translate and log following details:

$request->header('Authorization')       // Authorization value from header
$request->header('X-Api-Key')           // Client ID from header
$request->header('Gapp-Request-ID')    // Gapp Request ID from header
$request->uuid                          // request uuid
$request->dateFrom                      // date from
$request->dateTo                        // date to


Request is resolved using Ipass/Request controller to use see the given example:

use Ipaas\Gapp\Request;
use Ipass\Response;
class Accounts extends Response;  
	public function index(Request $request)  
	  $rules = ['name' => 'required|string'];  

all given function are chain-able when extend method is used


Validate Validate request based on given rules set.

// $rules is laravel validation rule set
Func: validate(array $rules)

Return: REQUEST if all sucessfull
Throw: Unprocessable Entity (422) if validation fails

Arrify Convert request csv parameter to php array.

// $item is request csv param
Func: arrify(string $item)

Return: modified REQUEST

Boolify Convert request string 'true/false' parameter to php boolean.

// $item is request string 'true/false'
Func: boolify(string $item)

Return: modified REQUEST

Requestify Replace request given parameter value.

// $item is request parameter name
// $value is new value
Func: requestify(string $item, mixed $value)

Return: modified REQUEST


Response helper iresponse or use by extending base controller [YOUR CONTROLLER] extends Ipaas/Response.php, with that helper you can access sendError() method too, making an exception easier.

Set Meta Chain-able function to set response meta data

return $this->meta(['client_id' => 'unknown'])->sendResponse($data);

Set header Chain-able function to set response header data

return $this->header(['content-type' => 'application/json'])->sendResponse($data);

Other Helpers



Normalized Name Replace ASCII space unicode with space.

Input: te \n sting

Response: te sting

// $name is unicode string
Func: normalizedName(string $name)

Return: normalized string

Boolify List Convert given string 'true/false' parameter to php boolean in provided array.

Input: ['true', 'false', 'TRUE', 'FALSE', true, false, TRUE, FALSE, 0, 1, '0', '1', '', ' test']

Response: [true, false, true, false, true, false, true, false, false, true, false, true, false, true]

// $list is haystack array
// $item is needle name
Func: boolifyList(array $list, string $item)

Return: modified list


ps. google/cloud package is required to run application on google app engine flex environment

Troubleshooting - Upgrade v1.* to v2.*

  • ilog()->data() was changed to ilog()->appendData();
  • iresponse() method was removed, use Ipaas\Gapp\Response() instead;
  • you do not need to instance the provider Ipaas\IpaasServiceProvider::class anymore, it is now automatically injected by composer;
  • stackdriver logging channel was changed to stack-driver
  • all the ilog() setters were changed too:
    • client is now setClientId;
    • key is now setClientKey;
    • type is now setType;
    • dateFrom is now setDateFrom;
    • dateTo is now setDateTo;
    • uuid is now setUuid;
  • all the exception helpers were removed:
    • iThrow;
    • UnauthorizedException;
    • BadRequestException;
    • TooManyRequestException;
    • NotFoundException;
    • InternalServerException;
  • all the response helpers were removed:
    • errorValidation;
    • errorUnauthorized;
    • errorBadRequest;
    • errorTooManyRequest;
    • errorNotFound;
    • errorNotImplemented;
    • errorInternalServer;