
Data Store of key, value pairs

0.4.1 2021-01-22 23:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-23 06:54:12 UTC


Storage of an key, value pair to a filesystem

Quick Start

Incstallation or inclusion in your project:

$ composer require irfantoor/datastore

Creating the Datastore:

$ds = new IrfanTOOR\Datastore('/yourpath/to/datatore/');


Verify if the store has an entity with the requested id. returns true or false

$ds = new IrfanTOOR\Datastore('/yourpath/to/datatore/');

if ($ds->has('hello')) {
	echo $ds->get('hello');

set($id, $value, $meta = [])

Sets the value of an id:

$ds->set('hello', 'Hello');
$ds->set('hello-world', 'Hello World!');
# ...

Any other information regarding can be stored using the 3rd argument $meta.

$meta = [
    'meta' => [
        'keywords' => 'hello, world',
        'author'   => 'Jhon Doe',
        # ...

$ds->setComponents('hello', 'Hello World!', $meta);


You can use the function info to retrive the information of an entity:

$info = $ds->info('hello-world');

# Note: the information does not contain the value, which can be retrieved using
# the get function


Returns the value associated to an id:

$contents = $ds->get('hello', 'Hello');
echo $contents;
echo $ds->get('hello-world');


Removes an entity assosiated to the provided id:


addFile($key, $file, $meta = [])

You can add a file to the datastore, using this function.

$file = 'absolute\path\to\your\reference_file.txt';

$ds->addFile('reference', $file);

# or you can add some meta information
$ds->addFile('reference', $file, ['keywords' => 'reference', 'sites', 'index', '...']);