
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the chieftools/sdk package instead.

Base functionality and helpers used for building for Chief Tools.

v0.85.2 2025-02-16 14:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 14:02:38 UTC


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Base functionality and helpers used for building for Chief Tools.


  • Authentication through Account Chief (powered by Socialite)
  • Configured Sentry client
  • Lighthouse GraphQL with base schema and scalars
    • Session protected endpoint /api/graphql/web
    • Session protected (GraphiQL) playground /api/playground
    • Access token protected endpoint /api/graphql (tokens managed by Account Chief)
  • Basic API documentation pages for GraphQL endpoint
  • Account pages to show profile information and preferences
  • Team pages to show team information, preferences and billing
  • Redirects to Chief Tools for /contact, /privacy, /terms
  • Account Chief webhook handler to be notified when user, team or tokens change
  • Login event listener to update the last_login column on the users table
  • Health check queue job pinging QUEUE_MONITOR_URL every minute using the default queue (disabled when QUEUE_MONITOR_URL is empty or unset)



  • ChiefTools\SDK\Middleware\AuthenticateChief
    Validates a request comes from Chief Tools
    Requires services.chief.webhook_secret configuration to be set to a random string
  • ChiefTools\SDK\Middleware\AutoAuthenticate
    Uses both the api and web guard and sets the first that is authenticated
  • ChiefTools\SDK\Middleware\ForceSecure
    Make sure the request is over https://
  • ChiefTools\SDK\Middleware\MoveAccessTokenFromURLToHeader
    Move the access token from access_token GET paramater to the Authorization header
  • ChiefTools\SDK\Middleware\SecurityHeaders
    Adds a default set of security headers, can be configured by setting chief.response.securityheaders (array) in the app config
  • ChiefTools\SDK\Middleware\TrustProxiesOnVapor
    Configures fideloper/proxy to be used on Laravel Vapor

Validation rules

  • ChiefTools\SDK\Rules\UUID
    Valites the input value is a UUIDv4


  • active($whitelist = null, $blacklist = null, $active = 'active', $inactive = '')
    Get active state based on whitelist. Used to indicate active menu's
  • timezones(): array
    Return an key-value list of all timezones
  • validate($fields, $rules): bool
    Validate fields against rules. Example validate($id, new \ChiefTools\SDK\Rules\UUID)
  • latest_ca_bundle_file_path(): string
    Get the path to the most up-to-date CA bundle file, uses Certainty under the hood


Start with requiring the package:

composer require chieftools/sdk

Publish the configuration files and optionally the migrations:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=chief-config

# php artisan vendor:publish --tag=chief-migrations

Run the app migrations to create the users table:

php artisan migrate

Add the Chief service to the config/services.php:


return [
    'chief' => [
        'client_id'      => env('CHIEF_CLIENT_ID'),
        'client_secret'  => env('CHIEF_CLIENT_SECRET'),
        'webhook_secret' => env('CHIEF_SECRET'),
        'base_url'       => env('CHIEF_BASE_URL', ''),
        'verify'         => env('CHIEF_VERIFY', true),
        'redirect'       => '/login/callback',

That's all, you should be able to authenticate against Account Chief.


You will need to create a routes/graphql/schema.graphql in your own project with the following contents:

#import ../../vendor/chieftools/sdk/routes/graphql/schema.graphql

Anything you want to add the the schema you can do thereafter, for example:

#import ../../vendor/chieftools/sdk/routes/graphql/schema.graphql

#import ./types/*.graphql
#import ./queries/*.graphql

Keep in mind that the User type is already provided so you will need to extend that if you want to append fields.

type OfType implements Entity {
    id: ID!

extend type User {
    relation: [OfType!]! @hasMany(type: "paginator")