
Laravel user attach from social networks on a oauth2

1.0.2 2021-05-21 12:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-21 22:00:57 UTC



Joining a profile from a social network to the site using Auth2. Can be used to implement authorization via social networks. Available services: google and facebook.

Install for Lumen

1. Open file bootstrap/app.php

Uncommented strings


Added after $app->configure('app');


add new service provider


2. Run commands

For creating config file

php artisan user:oauth2:attach:publish --tag=config

For creating migration file

php artisan user:oauth2:attach:publish --tag=migration

For generate table

php artisan migrate

Install for laravel

1. Open file config/app.php and search

    'providers' => [

Add to section



    'providers' => [

2. Run commands

For creating config file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ItDevgroup\LaravelUserOAuth2Attach\Providers\UserOAuth2AttachServiceProvider" --tag=config

For creating migration file

php artisan user:oauth2:attach:publish --tag=migration

For generate table

php artisan migrate

Custom model

Step 1

Create custom model for user OAuth2


File: app/CustomFile.php



namespace App;

class CustomFile extends \ItDevgroup\LaravelUserOAuth2Attach\Model\UserOAuth2

If need change table name or need added other code:


namespace App;

class CustomFile extends \ItDevgroup\LaravelUserOAuth2Attach\Model\UserOAuth2
    protected $table = 'YOUR_TABLE_NAME';
    // other code
Step 2

Open config/user_oauth2_attach.php and change parameter "model", example:

// replace
'model' => \ItDevgroup\LaravelUserOAuth2Attach\Model\UserOAuth2::class,
// to
'model' => \App\CustomFile::class,
Step 3

Use custom \App\CustomFile model everywhere instead of standard model \ItDevgroup\LaravelUserOAuth2Attach\Model\UserOAuth2

Custom social network service for login by OAuth2

  1. Create custom class


File: app/CustomSocialFile.php



namespace App;

use ItDevgroup\LaravelUserOAuth2Attach\Data\UserData;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

class CustomSocialFile implements ServiceInterface
     * @return string
    public function getLoginUrl(): string
        return 'http://';

     * @param Collection $data
     * @return UserData
    public function authorize(Collection $data): UserData
        return UserData::register(...);
  1. Add new social network service in file config/user_oauth2_attach.php in section "services"

Customization user model (optional)

If configured, then the standard email search is disabled in method getOrCreateModelFromData.

In the user model, you need to add a public method userOAuth2Find and return a user object or null.

class User {
    public function userOAuth2Find(UserData $userData)
        return self::query()
                ->where('email', '=', $userData->getEmail())


Initialize service

$service = app(\ItDevgroup\LaravelUserOAuth2Attach\UserOAuth2AttachServiceInterface::class);

or injected

// use
use ItDevgroup\LaravelUserOAuth2Attach\UserOAuth2AttachServiceInterface;
// constructor
public function __construct(
    UserOAuth2AttachServiceInterface $userOAuth2AttachService

further we will use the variable $service

List of active services for login

// $service->getServiceList(): array
$array = $service->getServiceList();

Initialize social network service

// $service->loadService(string $service): void

Get url for login by OAuth2

// $service->getLoginLink(): string
$url = $service->getLoginLink();

Authorize user by OAuth2 (after get url for login)

// $service->authorize(Collection $data): UserData
$userData = $service->authorize(collect($request->all()));

Get or create user model from data

$newUser - New fully populated user entity but not saved.

// $service->getOrCreateModelFromData(UserData $userData, Model $newUser): UserOAuth2
$userOAuth2 = $service->getOrCreateModelFromData($userData, $newUser);

CRUD methods

// $service->getModelListByUser(int $userId): CollectionEloquent
$eloquentCollection = $service->getModelListByUser(1);

// $service->getModelById(int $id): UserOAuth2
$userOAuth2 = $service->getModelById(1);

// $service->getModelByUserAndService(int $userId, string $service): UserOAuth2
$userOAuth2 = $service->getModelByUserAndService(1, 'google');

// $service->getModelByServiceAndExternalId(string $service, string $externalId): UserOAuth2
$userOAuth2 = $service->getModelByServiceAndExternalId('google', 'abcd...');

// $service->modelCreate(UserOAuth2 $model): bool

// $service->modelUpdate(UserOAuth2 $model): bool

// $service->modelDelete(UserOAuth2 $model): bool

User oauth2 model create

$userOAuth2 = \ItDevgroup\LaravelUserOAuth2Attach\Model\UserOAuth2::register(
    $user, // User model

Basic usage

Get url for redirect to login page social networks

$url = $service->getLoginLink();

Authorize social network and get token

After authorization using the link obtained above and after redirecting to the site from the social network

// $request - Request class
$userData = $service->authorize(collect($request->all()));
$newUser = new User();
$newUser->email = $userData->getEmail();
$userOAuth2 = $service->getOrCreateModelFromData($userData, $newUser);
$user = $userOAuth2->user;