
Sentence similarity metrics

0.1.0 2025-02-04 09:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 10:07:07 UTC


A PHP library containing metrics for comparing sentences.


You can install this library by utilizing PHP Composer, which is the recommended dependency management tool for PHP.

composer require itk-dev/sentence-similarity-metrics


Word error rate (WER)

WER is a metric used for determining the performance of a speech recognition system. See Wikipedia: Word error rate and Metric: wer for more information.

WER compares a reference sentence to a prediction made by a speech recognition system.

use ItkDev\SentenceSimilarityMetrics\WordErrorRate;

$wordErrorRate = new WordErrorRate();

$reference = 'I am 32 years old and I am a software developer';
$prediction = 'I am a 32 year old and I am as a developer';

$wer = $wordErrorRate->wer($reference, $prediction); // 0.36363636363636365

Character error rate (CER)

CER is WER on character level rather than word level.

use ItkDev\SentenceSimilarityMetrics\CharacterErrorRate;

$characterErrorRate = new CharacterErrorRate();

$reference = 'I am 32 years old and I am a software developer';
$prediction = 'I am a 32 year old and I am as a developer';

$cer = $characterErrorRate->cer($reference, $prediction); // 0.2127659574468085



To install the dependencies required for the development and usage of this library, run composer install through the supplied docker compose setup.

docker compose run --rm phpfpm composer install


We use the PHPUnit testing framework.

To run tests execute the following command:

docker compose run --rm phpfpm vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-clover=coverage/unit.xml

Check coding standards

The following commands let you test that the code follows the coding standards we decided to adhere to in this project.

docker compose run --rm phpfpm composer coding-standards-check

Check Markdown file

docker run --rm --volume "$PWD:/md" itkdev/markdownlint **/*.md --fix
docker run --rm --volume "$PWD:/md" itkdev/markdownlint **/*.md

Apply coding standards

You can automatically fix some coding styles issues by running:

docker compose run --rm phpfpm composer coding-standards-apply