
GSB Metadata Cleaner


TYPO3 12

GSB 11 Extension gsb_metadata_cleaner


The extension gsb_metadata_cleaner helps the reduce the amount of data - especially personal information - in metadata of files. It uses exiftool to delete everything except for "copyright" data and tags which can be configured per storage. This applies to pdfs and images.

It is part of the Government Side Builder 11.

Learn more about the GSB 11.


The best way to install this extension is to start with the GSB Sitepackage Kickstarter extension.

Quick installation without GSB Sitepackage Kickstarter

In a composer-based TYPO3 installation you can install the extension EXT:gsb_metadata_cleaner via composer:

composer config -g gitlab-domains && \
composer config -g repositories.gsb-metadata-cleaner vcs
composer require itzbund/gsb-metadata-cleaner

In TYPO3 installations above version 11.5 the extension will be automatically installed. You do not have to activate it manually.


For each file storage you can configure (TCA/TSconfig) which fields (except for copyright/Xmp-dc:Rights, which are always kept) are preserved.

Extension Settings

The paths to the exiftool and qpdf binary can be configured. Note that you cannot configure the binary name itself, just the path to the binaries. You can disable qpdf if it breaks you pdfs.


Nothing to do. Just include the extension and your file's metadata gets a cleanup 🧹 on upload.


As with TYPO3, we encourage you to join the project by submitting changes. Development of the GSB 11 happens mainly in the GSB 11 TYPO3 extension repositories.

To get started, have a look at our detailed contribution walkthrough.