
Statusweb API client for PHP

v2.0.1 2020-03-23 07:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 13:44:31 UTC


Packagist Version Packagist Packagist

Get your api keys from Statusweb > Help > Statusweb API. On this page you can also get the Statusweb API documentation.


You can install this package via composer:

composer require jacobdekeizer/statusweb-client


This readme shows basic usage of this package, for all available options look at the class definitions and the api documentation.

Create the client

$client = (new \JacobDeKeizer\Statusweb\Client())

Create shipment

$deliveryAddress = (new \JacobDeKeizer\Statusweb\Resources\Address())
    ->setStreet('Lange laan')
    ->setName('Gijs Boersma');

$labelData = (new \JacobDeKeizer\Statusweb\Resources\LabelData())
    ->setReturnLabel(true); // return the pdf label in the response

$shipmentRow = (new \JacobDeKeizer\Statusweb\Resources\ShipmentRow())

$shipment = (new \JacobDeKeizer\Statusweb\Resources\Shipment())
    ->setReference('My reference')
    ->setType(1) // Statusweb -> Tabellen -> Zendingsoorten
    ->setDirectSend(true) // when true the shipment is confirmed and can't be deleted
    ->addShipmentRow($shipmentRow); // ->setShipmentRows accepts an array of ShipmentRows

$shipmentResponse = $client->shipments()->create($shipment);

// Show label pdf
$data = base64_decode($shipmentResponse->getLabels());
header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
echo $data;

Delete shipment

$deleteShipmentResponse = $client->shipments()->delete(12345678); // transportNumber

Send shipments

Sends all shipments where setDirectSend was false

$sendShipmentsResponse = $client->shipments()->send();

Get shipment status

This endpoint does only work if the shipment is in transport or has arrived.

$statusResponse = $client->shipments()->getStatus(12345678); // transportNumber

All shipment statuses

This endpoint does only work if the are any shipments in transport or that have arrived.

$statusResponse = $client->shipments()->getAllStatuses();

Get statusweb status url

Get the statusweb status url -> does only work when the shipment is in transport or has arrived

$statusLink = $client->shipments()->getStatusUrl(12345678); // transportNumber

Get estimated time of arrival

This endpoint does only work if the shipment is in transport or has arrived.

$etaResponse = $client->shipments()->getEstimatedTimeOfArrival(12345678); // transportNumber

Get label

This endpoint does only work if the shipment isn't confirmed by the send endpoint and directSend for the shipment was false

$labelResponse = $client->labels()->get(9207289743, \JacobDeKeizer\Statusweb\Enums\LabelFormat::PDF);


Each endpoint can throw a StatuswebErrorResponse or StatuswebException. The StatuswebErrorResponse contains the error code and message from statusweb. For example:

try {
    $statusLink = $client->shipments()->getStatusUrl(12345678);
} catch (\JacobDeKeizer\Statusweb\Exceptions\StatuswebErrorResponse $statuswebErrorResponse) {
    $hasLink = $statuswebErrorResponse->getCode() === \JacobDeKeizer\Statusweb\Enums\ResponseCode::NO_STATUS_URL_FOR_SHIPMENT;
} catch (\JacobDeKeizer\Statusweb\Exceptions\StatuswebException $statuswebException) {
    $originalException = $statuswebException->getPrevious(); // do something

Register your own session store implementation (Optional)

Statusweb session ids are valid for 2 hours. To reduce the amount of sessionId requests you can create your own SessionStore. By default the JacobDeKeizer\Statusweb\Stores\DefaultSessionStore is used.

use JacobDeKeizer\Statusweb\Contracts\SessionStore;
use JacobDeKeizer\Statusweb\Dto\Session;

class DatabaseSessionStore implements SessionStore
    public function put(string $apiKey, Session $session): void
        // save in db

    public function get(string $apiKey): ?Session
        // retrieve from db
$client->setSessionStore(new DatabaseSessionStore());