
Package to create empty package directory structure in project.

1.1.3 2021-08-10 10:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:48:00 UTC


A basic Laravel Package skelton maker.

Package is currently in development.

This Package is created to scaffold laravel package.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require jagdish-j-p/laravel-package-maker

Then run the publish command to publish the config file to edit packagify configuration.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="JagdishJP\LaravelPackageMaker\Providers\LaravelPackageMakerServiceProvider"

to add/remove package directories edit config/packagify.php file

'packageStructure' => ["config", "database", "database\\factories", "database\\migrations", "database\\seeders", "public", "resources", "resources\\lang", "resources\\lang\\en", "resources\\views", "routes", "src", "src\\Console", "src\\Console\\Commands", "src\\Http", "src\\Http\\Controllers", "src\\Http\\Middleware", "src\\Models", "src\\Providers"]

packageStructure contains list of directories to create for your package. You can add or remove any directory.


Set .env file for default configuration

PACKAGE_NAME="Package Name"

Create Package

php artisan package:create

Follow the instructions and your package will be created.

Create Command

php artisan package:make command CommandName

Create Controller

php artisan package:make controller ControllerName

Create Model

php artisan package:make model ModelName