
Many-to-many relations between 3 models

dev-master 2016-02-01 21:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 16:32:03 UTC


This package is not maintained anymore, let me know if you wish to work on it

A way to link 3 many-to-many relations together in Laravel 4's Eloquent.




  1. Create 3 models: User, Tag, Track
  2. Set up your tables: users, tags, tracks, pivot table (defaults to tag_track_user, in the example below we use custom name users_tags_tracks)
  3. Require in composer.json and config/app.php
  4. Add the trait in all 3 models
  5. Define the relation method as ->tripleBelongsToMany()
  6. (Optional) Create a nice-name relation for the ->third() method


// Get the first User, and autoload their tags
$user = User::with( 'tags' )->first();

// Like an ordinary belongsToMany
$user->tags; // Collection of tags
$user->tags->first(); // Tag model

// Get the track associated with a given tag for the user
$user->tags->first()->third; // Track model
$user->tags->first()->track; // Track model (only if you did step 6)

// Attach a tag/track to a user
$user->tags()->attach( [ $tagId, $trackId ] ); // Pass an array of 2 IDs
$user->tags()->attach( [ Tag::find( $tagId ), Track::find( $trackId ) ] ); // Pass an array of 2 models


1. Create 3 models

Models/User.php (should already exist)


namespace Models;	
class User extends \Eloquent {



namespace Models

class Tag extends \Eloquent {



namespace Model;

class Track extends \Eloquent {

2. Set up the database tables

database/migrations/1_0_0_0_create_triple_pivot_tables.php: Create the tables we're going to be joining together (users may already have a migration).


use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;

class CreateTriplePivotTables extends Migration {

	public function down() {
		Schema::drop( 'users' );
		Schema::drop( 'tags' );
		Schema::drop( 'tracks' );
		Schema::drop( 'users_tags_tracks' );

	public function up() {
		Schema::create( 'users', function ( Blueprint $table ) {
		} );
		Schema::create( 'tags', function ( Blueprint $table ) {
		} );
		Schema::create( 'tracks', function ( Blueprint $table ) {
		} );

		Schema::create( 'users_tags_tracks', function ( Blueprint $table ) {
			$table->integer( 'user_id' )->unsigned()->nullable();
			$table->integer( 'tag_id' )->unsigned()->nullable();
			$table->integer( 'track_id' )->unsigned()->nullable();
		} );


Require the package

composer.json: Add in the package definition.

"require": {
    "laravel/framework": "4.2.*",
    "jarektkaczyk/eloquent-triple-pivot": "dev-master"

Run composer update -o in the Terminal.

config/app.php: Add the service provider to the providers array.

'providers' => array(



4. Add the trait into all of our models

Models/User.php: Two use statements - one to pull in the namespaced Trait, one to use it in the Model.


namespace Models;
use Jarektkaczyk\TriplePivot\TriplePivotTrait;

class User extends \Eloquent {
	use TriplePivotTrait;

Models/Tag.php: As above


namespace Models;
use Jarektkaczyk\TriplePivot\TriplePivotTrait;

class Tag extends \Eloquent {
	use TriplePivotTrait;

Models/Track.php: As above


namespace Models;
use Jarektkaczyk\TriplePivot\TriplePivotTrait;

class Track extends \Eloquent {
	use TriplePivotTrait;

5. Define the tripleBelongsToMany relation



namespace Models;
use Jarektkaczyk\TriplePivot\TriplePivotTrait;

class User extends \Eloquent {
	use TriplePivotTrait;
	 * @return \Jarektkaczyk\TriplePivot\TripleBelongsToMany
	public function tags() {
		return $this->tripleBelongsToMany( 'Models\Tag', 'Models\Track', 'users_tags_tracks' );

6. (Optional) Define a nicer method than ->third on Models/Tag

Models/Tag.php: Create a new method getTrackAttribute() which forwards on to the getThirdAttribute() method so we can call $tag->track->name instead of $tag->third->name.


namespace Models;
use Jarektkaczyk\TriplePivot\TriplePivotTrait;

class Tag extends \Eloquent {
	use TriplePivotTrait;

	 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
	public function getTrackAttribute() {
		return $this->getThirdAttribute();