
Server middleware to handle Forwarded header for PSR-7 requests

v0.1.0 2019-10-24 11:08 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-01 00:22:49 UTC


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Server middleware to process the Forwarded header for PSR-7 requests. Works both as PSR-15 and double pass middleware.

The middleware set the client_ip and original_url attributes for the server request. Also supports non-standard X-Forwarded-* and other custom headers.


composer require jasny/forwarded-middleware


use Wikimedia\IPSet;
use Jasny\Forwarded;
use Zend\Stratigility\MiddlewarePipe;
use Zend\Diactoros\ResponseFactory;

$trustIps = new IPSet(['', '2620:0:861:1::/64', '']);

$middleware = new Forwarded\Middleware(function (string $ip, array $forward) use ($trustedIps) {
    return $trustedIps->match($ip);

$app = new MiddlewarePipe();

Trusted proxies

The constructor takes a callback as only argument, which is called for each forward (separated by a comma) in the Forwarded header. Each forward should have a for directive and may have other directives like port and proto.

The first argument of the callback is the ip of the proxy server. The second argument contains the directives of this forward as associative array.

The initial value of the ip is taken from the REMOTE_ADDR server parameter. For each subsequent call gives the value of the for directive from the previous trusted forward.


Forwarded: for=,for=,for=,for=
Client IP (REMOTE_ADDR) is 

This results in the following calls

fn("", ['for' => ""]);  // true
fn("", ['for' => ""]);   // true
fn("", ['for' => ""]);   // false

The client_id is set to "". Note that the for= forward isn't considered.

It's not required to trust based on IP. Alternatively you can check if the proxy has set a secret.

$middleware = new Forwarded\Middleware(function (string $ip, array $forward) {
    return $forward['secret'] === getenv('PROXY_SECRET');

Original uri

Besides client_ip, the middleware will also set the original_uri attribute. This attribute is a PSR-7 URI object based on the URI of the request.

The proto and host, as well as the non-standard path and port directives are applied to create the original uri. If the port is the standard port for the proto (80 for "http" and 443 for https), it's omitted.

Only the directives of the last trusted proxy are used;


HTTP/1.1 GET /foo
Host: x9.example.com
Forwarded: for=, for=;proto=https;port=443;host=example.com;path=/x/foo, for=;proto=http;port=8080

The original_uri attribute will be "https://example.com/x/foo"

The uri of the server request is not altered.

Non-standard headers

Use CompatMiddleware in case your proxy sets X-Forwarded-* headers. This middleware will convert these headers to a Forwarded header.

use Wikimedia\IPSet;
use Jasny\Forwarded;
use Zend\Stratigility\MiddlewarePipe;
use Zend\Diactoros\ResponseFactory;

$trustIps = new IPSet(['', '2620:0:861:1::/64', '']);

$compatMiddleware = new Forwarded\CompatMiddleware();
$middleware = new Forwarded\Middleware(function (string $ip, array $forward) use ($trustedIps) {
    return $trustedIps->match($ip);

$app = new MiddlewarePipe();

By default the compat middleware uses the following headers

  • X-Forwared-For
  • X-Forwarded-Proto
  • X-Forwarded-Host

Custom headers

If your proxy uses other headers, you can pass custom mapping to constructor

$compatMiddleware = new Forwarded\CompatMiddleware([
    'X-Client-IP' => 'for,
    'X-Forwarded-For' => 'for',
    'X-Forwarded-Proto' => 'proto',
    'X-Forwarded-Port' => 'port',

If there are multiple headers for the same directive, the first header that's found is used. In the example above, if there is an X-Client-IP, the X-Forwarded-For header is not used.

The compat middleware supports multiple entries for any header that maps to the for directive. All other directives are applied to the first entry. This may not work as expected if X-Forwarded-For contains entries for both trusted and untrusted proxies.

The compat middleware will always replace or remove an existing Forwarded header. Typically a proxy either sets the Forwarded header or uses non-standard headers. Allowing both can lead to a security issue.

Double pass middleware

Some PHP libraries support double pass middleware instead of PSR-15 and a callable with the following signature;

fn(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, callable $next): ResponseInterface

To get a callback to be used by libraries as Jasny Router and Relay v1, use the asDoublePass() method.

use Jasny\Forwarded;
use Relay\RelayBuilder;

$middleware = new Forwarded\Middleware(function ($ip, $forward) { /* ... */ });

$relayBuilder = new RelayBuilder($resolver);
$relay = $relayBuilder->newInstance([

$response = $relay($request, $baseResponse);

CompatMiddleware also has an asDoublePass() method.