PHP orFail Trait.

2.0.0 2015-06-02 01:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-06 18:06:53 UTC


OrFail is a simple trait which makes it easier to practice exceptional programming and write cleaner code.

Through magic, OrFail allows you to append OrFail to any method name and force it to fail (throw an exception) if that method returns a falsey value.

Code without OrFail:

public function someMethod() {
    $value = $this->getValue();
    if ($value === null) {
        // failure code

    return $value;

The same code using OrFail:

public function someMethod() {
    return $this->getValueOrFail();


  • PHP >= 5.4.0


The recommended way to install OrFail is with Composer:

composer require "jasonmccreary/orfail"

Alternatively you can download the src directory of this project and include it in your project.


Once OrFail is included in your project you may add it to any class by simply using the trait.

For example:

class Example {
    use OrFail\Traits\OrFail;
    public function someMethod() {
        // code

Now you can call any method with OrFail appended. If the method returns a falsey value a FailingReturnValue exception will be thrown.


OrFail has two methods you may optionally override: orFailTest() and allowedOrFailMethods().

bool orFailTest ( mixed $value )

By default orFailTest() simply tests if $value is falsey. You can override this method to perform your own failure test.

array allowedOrFailMethods ( void )

By default orFailMethods() returns an empty array which allows all methods. You can restrict which methods allow being called with OrFail appended by overriding this method and returning an array of the allowed method names.


Since OrFail uses magic methods, it is easy to create an infinite call loop if you are not careful. This most commonly results in PHP exhausting its memory or a Segmentation Fault 11.

If you wish to use the OrFail trait in a class that implements __call() you will need to resolve the conflict manually.

For example:

class YourClass {
    use OrFail\Traits\OrFail {
        OrFail::__call as __callOrFail;
    public function __call($name, $parameters) {
        // your code
        $this->__callOrFail($name, $parameters);
        // your code

Note: this is only an example of how to resolve the conflict. How you call OrFail will depend on your code.


OrFail is a new package and needs more integration testing with other packages and codebases using __call(). Please report any problems by creating an Issue.

If you plan to submit a Pull Request, please ensure you follow the PSR-2 Style Guide.
