
FFmpeg transformation command builder

v1.3.1 2021-05-25 18:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:18:24 UTC


This library simplifies usage of FFmpeg for complex transcoding of the media files in PHP applications.


  • FFmpeg command builder
  • Media profile builder
  • Profile transformer
  • Command transformer



Install the library using composer:

composer require javer/ffmpeg-transformer

FFmpeg command builder

Enables you to build FFmpeg command line in OOP style.

For example, for retranscoding of the source media file in any format/codecs to mp4/h264/aac you need just write:

$command = (new Command())

$inputFile = $command->addInput('input.mov');


To build command line which performs this transformation just call $command->build() which will return array of all command line arguments to achieve the goal:

    '-i', 'input.mov',
    '-movflags', 'faststart',
    '-map', '0:v:0', '-c:v:0', 'libx264', '-preset', 'veryfast', '-pix_fmt:v:0', 'yuv420p',
    '-map', '0:a:0', '-c:a:0', 'aac',

More examples can be found in CommandTest.

Media profile builder

Enables you to create MediaProfile for the given media file or from the given array.

From file:

$ffmpeg = new FFMpeg\FFMpeg(...);
$inputVideo = $ffmpeg->open($filename);
$inputMediaProfile = MediaProfile::fromMedia($inputVideo);

From array:

$referenceMediaProfile = MediaProfile::fromArray([
    'name' => 'reference',
    'format' => 'mp4',
    'video' => [
        'width' => 1920,
        'height' => 1080,
        'codec' => 'h264',
        'profile' => 'main',
        'preset' => 'veryfast',
        'pixel_format' => 'yuv420p',
        'bitrate' => '6000k',
        'frame_rate' => 29.97,
        'keyframe_interval' => 250,
    'audio' => [
        'codec' => 'aac',
        'bitrate' => '128k',
        'sample_rate' => '48k',

Profile transformer

Performs calculation of the transformation which should be applied to the input MediaProfile to get output MediaProfile (usually reference).

$transformation = (new ProfileTransformer())
    ->transformMedia($sourceMediaProfile, $referenceMediaProfile);

It returns a new MediaProfile which contains only necessary parameters which should be changed.

Command transformer

Builds a command for FFmpeg to perform necessary transformation (from the previous step) to transform input media file to the output media file.

$command = (new CommandTransformer())
    ->applyTransformation($transformation, $inputFilename, $outputFilename);

It returns a Command (see the first section) which should be run by ffmpeg to convert input media file to the reference.
